Comment history

Zags says...

This is how a political administration behaves when it knows that it is circling the drain...

Zags says...

Seems very reasonable to me!

On INSIGHT: ‘Let Bahamians finish Baha Mar’

Posted 11 August 2015, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Zags says...

Well said *DillyTree*!!!

really well said!!!

Zags says...

An excellent point, *justthefactsplease*!

Zags says...

Absolutely right: A hot-headed reaction to feathers being ruffled…

And look where we are now!!! Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Behaviour like this does not work on the world stage. Our government does not seem to grasp that this is not a petty, national affair. This is international, and the other parties in this dispute are in a very different league.

I guess we'll soon have to get used to waiting on long immigration lines when we fly from The Bahamas to the US. Might be quicker to go through Cuba...

Zags says...

And now, the unravelling of yet another corrupt, post-colonial administration begins...

**it's about time!!!**

Buckle up: we're in for a bumpy ride. But, remember, "if you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm."

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 4 August 2015, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Zags says...

Oh no! Enough already! Please: NO MORE!

Zags says...

*I Pray Izmirlian Wins This Contest*.

So do I!

On I pray Izmirlian wins this contest

Posted 29 July 2015, 9:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Zags says...

Sorry, Brad; I don't think that anyone believes [or pays attention to] anything that you have to say.

Zags says...

*Let the chips fall where they may...*

On Govt leaves talks blaming Baha Mar

Posted 29 July 2015, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal