Comment history

Zakary says...


On Chaos at polls

Posted 4 May 2017, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

Fitzgerald is calm because he is confident and certain that everyone around him is ignorant and stupid. It's that simple.

On Fitzgerald calm amid Baha Mar allegations

Posted 20 April 2017, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

The RBPF posters are like bounties... By the time the police find them, they will most likely be dead.

On Man found shot dead in downtown Nassau

Posted 20 April 2017, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

Apparently we are that desperate, and so anyone who is killed somehow magically “deserved” to be killed.

On UPDATED: Gunman shoots worker dead

Posted 21 March 2017, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

Indeed. It is also useful for the PLP that we do not record history in any objective way, so a lot of people are ignorant, including the older ones. Spout a little something something about racism, mention the UBP, and you just have an bunch of Bahamians like putty in your hands to do with as you please. Too easy.

Zakary says...

Yeah, I anticipate D'Aguilar winning that seat, not that it matters much anyway. I don’t see Munroe as a hardcore PLP, considering that he is a branch swinger from the DNA.

On Munroe ratified in Free Town drama

Posted 14 March 2017, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

If he gets in, you may not like him down the road. It’s always nice when the PLP nominates a candidate that has a fairly good chance of going rogue in the future...

On Munroe is PLP pick to run in Free Town

Posted 9 March 2017, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

They say that every time this happens, but people catching on.

Zakary says...

Absolute confusion. Why are there so many clueless people in the House of Assembly?

Try as you may, but the idiotic suggestion that registration is at a sluggish pace because of a difficult process can never jive.

The people are simply are not registering at the same pace of many past election cycles. How hard is it for them to admit and address that issue? The numbers speak for themselves.

Zakary says...

Well said.

On 'I forgive teacher for my son's death in car'

Posted 23 February 2017, 11:49 p.m. Suggest removal