Comment history

Zakary says...

That is deep.

On Baha Mar chief's fear over crime

Posted 21 February 2017, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

And just imagine, we might NEVER see a professional, honest government in our lifetime. All I see right now are new professional pirates ready to kiss backside for a few more dollars.

Zakary says...

Those international obligations are already fulfilled and more. Full take-buffer audio of all cell phone calls (30 days at a time) in The Bahamas courtesy of the US of A.

Many business secrets, business plans, personal contacts, connections, drug deals, you name it, are already known. It’s ironic that the only commonly used thing preventing something from slipping is end to end encryption though Whatsapp. Everything else is tapped or can be assumed to be tapped.

Zakary says...

I have the same sentiments. If the PLP somehow wins again, it will only serve to carry us to complete rock bottom. The alternatives are not that much better either.

On Boundaries legal challenge 'doomed to fail'

Posted 17 February 2017, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

You will have to hope that this time they actually mean it. "Unified Bus System" is a catch phrase used by our Government for many years to sound progressive without actually being progressive.

Zakary says...

Look kids! These are the results of a lazy and slack Government.

Zakary says...

It is interesting that they are trying to test the scope of Article 70, but as it stands now, I truly think that this is only going to result in chaos.

On Legal challenge on boundaries

Posted 15 February 2017, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

I hope too as well, but this may be the first and last time we see him in the House. I think he could have played his hand better, but he was just too unstable.

Zakary says...

I wondered the same thing...

Zakary says...

Are you trying to be the staunchest FNM? You label any criticism of FNM policies as "Anti-Doc" or talking crap. Everyone who is old enough, knows exactly who Jeff Lloyd is and what is going on. Repeating it all over again is not an argument.