Comment history

afficianado says...

That old saying still stands- You live by the gun; you die by the gun. Nothing is going to come out of this.

On Man with monitoring bracelet shot dead

Posted 22 June 2015, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

afficianado says...

Suspended for 10 days! *Shakes head* This news was on the talk show "The Talk". They need to be fired.

afficianado says...

He probably spent $50,000 or more over the 12 year period lol

afficianado says...

Very good article Nicole. I hope that many Bahamians read this article and wake up.
Will Durant said," A nation is born stoic and dies epicurean". The government has failed in creating industries, but that's what happens when you elect persons who lack ingenuity and creativity.

afficianado says...

We're breading animals.

afficianado says...

Dr. Nottage is an ignoramus when it comes to dealing with crime. Leaders do not look at the past results. They review the present results and seek to improve them.

afficianado says...

When we had a "national conversation" i.e. the failed referendum the PLP rejected the opinions of the masses. So what exactly are we conversing about this time? These old timers are expired and need to go. They have no vision or foresight.

afficianado says...

lmao me three

afficianado says...

The Ministry of Education is so backwards!! No wonder we have a failed public education system. Free education and individuals still manage to graduate dumb

afficianado says...

I concur. I just came into my lab and decided to read the news and a porn site pops up.*shakes head* The tribune needs to do better