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afficianado says...

There was a study done by University of Pittsburgh,which suggested that has a person becomes overweight or obese the actual size and function of their brain decreases. This study has allowed researches to coin the term " the dinosaur syndrome"-Big body little brain.…

Some Bahamians need to do better and make proper food choices. A conch snack, chicken snack or any "snack" for that matter drowned in wesson oil with fries and a roll is not a complete meal.
You are what you eat! If you eat garbage then you'll look like garbage.

Like the chinese proverb says, "Ignorance will not kill you, but it will make you sweat alot." Plenty Bahamians are "sweating" with high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.

afficianado says...

The attorney general has no integrity or character-she should be ashamed. Like the famous quote says ,"Don't let your talent take you where your character can't keep you"

On AG’s husband has Baha Mar leases

Posted 11 August 2015, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

afficianado says...

There is an interesting book by Micheal Leibermen called "Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect". Face to face communication supercedes social networking sites such as facebook. Facebook is only advantageous when you're trying to reconnect with a friend or relative you haven't spoken to in a while.

97% of people are addicted to facebook and twitter.

afficianado says...

So Carnival was a flop and a waste of money. If the Government wants to improve the GDP the government needs to focus their attention on creating export industries. Wow!! No foresight!!

Will Durant said it best, "A nation is born stoic and dies epicurean"

afficianado says...

Brave is an ignoramus. The decrease in the rate per kilowatt-hr will be constituted by maintenance of the transmission and distribution, which BEC failed miserably at. If generation equipment was monitored and the "smart" engineers at BEC routinely calculated the power output from the generation i.e. power in equals power out then power losses could be determined and they could have easily predicted that most of the electricity revenue lost was due to stealing of electricity. How can a Utility not even have the mental know how of analyzing its own grid and trans/distribution system?

We have no true electrical engineers at BEC just glorified technicians.

On BEC transition deal signed

Posted 23 July 2015, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

afficianado says...

He's good at debasing BEC and its management structure. His statement is laughable..“We (the existing board) wanted to do more, but we weren’t able to. Time sort of ran out on us you know? But hopefully this company will have the latitude to do what is necessary to make those differences.” Leslie, you guys had many chances to get it right and you'll still couldn't get it together. Hopefully, Power Secure would manage BEC with integrity.

On Miller: I’ll leave BEC when I want

Posted 23 July 2015, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

afficianado says...

The prime minister is daft and weak.

afficianado says...

I concur. Prime Minister Christie has failed the Bahamas and It's in his best interest to resign.

afficianado says...

haha . I concur

On Baha Mar gets $2m severance pay nod

Posted 2 July 2015, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

afficianado says...

Perry, you are washed up and lame brained. Your ideas are "stale" .Creativity occurs between the ages of 20-35 yrs not 20 and 100 yrs of age.