Comment history

alexispeack says...

That reminds me! When I was in middle school we had a family night or something and there was a firefighter truck and a police car[.][1] I got to meet the police dog and it was super awesome to see how well trained he was[.][2] The officer at one point told the dog to go potty and the dog would move and stop until the officer had decided they were far enough away to do the deed. It was more impressive in real life, I assure you. What are all of the tricks you teach dogs? How do you punish them if they do something wrong?


On Police dog dies from heat in van

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

I deployed to Afghanistan for the first time this past summer and was very shocked about some of the things I found out[.][1] During the winter, there is an unofficial ceasefire (at least in the area that I deployed) in which the Taliban go into hiding/flee the country[,][2] often times to beach resort areas in the middle east! Once spring hits, they release a statement informing the US and it's allies that the spring offensive is now on effect. When I was there, it was so odd to me. I'll tell you this though: when we received the info that the spring offensive had started, it definitely put me on edge for an attack.


On FNM says minister should sacked

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

As a potential alternative[,][1] Braavos could also be represented by a cat. We've heard about the hundreds of cats that prowl the harbor[,][2] Arya names herself "Cat of the canals," and Syrio's promotion to First Sword of Braavos was associated with "seeing the truth" behind the Harbormaster's pet cat.

The Titan, a Faceless Man, the House of Black and White, and "The Stranger" could all also be associated as Braavosi "sigils." There's also the Iron Bank, so stacks of coins could be quite iconic as well.


On Esso sale in Gov't approval 'challenge'

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

The U.S. has and continues to pump billions in subsidies into the oil industry and it has worked out very well for the oil industry and the U.S. overall[.][1]

The world is always changing and renewable energy is the future[.][2] If the UK wants to push their industry to expand it will benefit them in the long run. Sure, some corruption, scandal, embezzlement, and grossly overpaid employees/CEOs will likely result, but looking at the big picture, advances in alternative energy technology and getting closer to energy independence will end up benefiting the UK as a nation.


alexispeack says...

Charities are full and will advise PTS[,][1] some will help with the costs for that[.][2] Can she find cheap grass livery, that can save a lot? Most horses can live out with shelter and don't need expensive stables. If the horse is quiet and usable she might be able to rehome or find a sharer or loaner, but there are far more horses than homes in the UK right now, sadly. Good luck. ETA Just read the details, she really is going to be very lucky to find someone who will take her, sorry.


alexispeack says...

I'm watching NDTV now listening to Rabbi Shergill (singer/AAP) talk about how growth is bad, that MNC's are evil american corporations[.][1] Delhi gov freakin reversed the decision on FDI that previous government took after years of deliberation in less than a month. This action alone will raise red flags in the investment community. There is no respect for continuity in their actions. We will go back to wearing langotis and burning cow dung if AAP comes to power. I wholeheartedly thank Congress for supporting AAP in Delhi, because it's quite clear they are leftist radicals waiting to cut off India from the rest of the world. Expected good governance, anti corruption. Yet to see any major person tried let alone go to jail.


alexispeack says...

Yeap...if VAT gets implemented in it's current form[,][1] can give you a 110% guarantee that we will be plunged into an even deeper recession than we are in now[.][2] The minimum wage employee at the moment cannot make ends meet as it is, businesses are running on razor thin margins at the moment, if they are making any money at all, VAT will drive prices for everything UP, businesses will pass along all those increased fees and taxes onto the is a consumer tax...not a business tax, and people have to get that through their heads...everyone just looks at it now as a tax on businesses making over 100K per year...businesses do not just ABSORB additional fees, they add it to their costing of merchandise and increase their mark up accordingly to cover the costs of doing business, driving the price of goods up and taking more money out of the pockets of consumers. What next...government will increase minimum wage? Guess what...that's added business expense...more markup to cover the new costs and no one is any further forward. NO VAT!!


alexispeack says...

Either way[,][1] it's relevant. And it's something that can lead to good discussion[.][2]


On LJ Rose to play for Houston Cougars

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

Totally agree[.][1] A Lot of people are looking at this match as a negative for Federer[.][2] Sure he would have loved to win it but Hewitt did play pretty good in the first set and varied the speed a lot. Made it difficult for Roger to judge the pace of his shots which I think is natural seeing as he's not entirely synced with his racquet yet. But he did come back and started hitting much cleaner. Roger has to work on capitalizing on his break points, it's a really good sign that he can create them. Good week for Roger I say.


On Hewitt to sport Sands Beer logo

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

I'm not exactly sure how they started[,][1] but i know Bobby, my dad, and tim met at Umass-Amherst during the counter culture days and started selling small time, until they realized how much money they could make and they dropped out[.][2] In the first newspaper article i posted, theres a timeline of their smuggles. Logistically, it must have been a huge task between sourcing the weed, buying a freighter to transport it, coordinating land transport and arranging a buyer. I really wish he was still here to give me more details. I'm definitely gonna spend some time hanging out with Bobby Frappier someday tho.
