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alexispeack says...

Chetty acknowledge that extending UI could lead to high rates of unemployment and cutting UI means "People likely to take any job they can get." The op-ed never mentions the quality of jobs it only talks about the number of people employed[.][1] Cutting UI would probably decrease the unemployment rate but that's not the only measure of a healthy economy[,][2] I think the article is misleading


On Yes, Mr Mitchell, there was another way

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

That's neither here nor there[.][1] My point was that a simple arrest won't get anyone out of their seat to protest[.][2] It's going to take something to the effect of Rodney King. The problem is, even that scene is fairly commonplace in this age of a camera on every corner.


On Man arrested for stabbing his mother

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

BSP has already made statements that they are open to supporting Modi. Is not a big jump for them to support NDA[.][1] That is Orissa seats. That will still put them at 237[.][2]

I think Congress may not get that many seats, seems like an awful lot, what if they get a Delhi style beating?


On Bran calls for calm heads in controversy

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

That... doesn't make any sense at all[.][1] Like, it is not a woman's responsibility to have as many babies as she possibly can and it's not a man's responsibility to father as many babies as he possibly can. My stance is that if you do, with your own voluntary actions, create something that will be a person[,][2] then you are responsible for it. One of the main focal points of my argument is that you should be held accountable for the risks you take, especially when ignoring your responsibilities comes at a cost that is perceptively high. My argument is not that you should spend your life creating these really valuable things that are people, but that you don't have the right to throw away this valuable thing after you've created it because you are responsible for it.


alexispeack says...

First a bit of explanation[.][1] Some years back, I was asked by my dad to help care for a special needs cousin that was in adult supportive housing[.][2] This is government-sponsored housing for those special needs people who age out of the system for kids, but can function somewhat independently. You know all those special needs people who work at supermarkets and stores doing really basic jobs? That's where they all live. I know hanging around those places that prostitution for special needs people is a real phenomenon, and is popular (but if an open secret) for all involved. The special needs folk (disproportionately male) get broken off, the families and staff have to worry less about inappropriate behavior due to outright horniness, and the prostitutes get cash on the barrel and the added protection of families or staff being around if something goes wrong. Everyone wins with that.


alexispeack says...

I watched it with the director's commentary (because I love Mann's work)[.][1] He kept talking about how amazing digital "film" is[.][2] The film is shot entirely in available light. Pay attention to the last act of the film, it is all just the available light. So when Foxx is on the parking garage it is lit by the reflections off the buildings. At the end it was so dark the actors could not see but the cameras could.


alexispeack says...

I don't think you can blame the existence of the registry for the ills you mention but rather how it is utilized[.][1]

As far as I have seen the list in Canada is not publicly available as it is in the US and I haven't heard of any streakers being placed on it up here[.][2] Please provide examples of these things happening up here if you have them.


alexispeack says...

Huh! Look out for the community? What kind of bullshit is that. I've dealt with them in San Miguel[,][1] El Salvador and all that. They are scumbags that extort people to the point they leave cantones (small towns) empty[.][2] I was visiting my grandma and foolishly I was on about walking around with my cellphone out while rocking some sick ass Jordan's. They came up to me "jokingly" asking for my shoes and phone. I jokingly said your gonna have to kill me for these. They said that's cool just be be careful the ms13 be around here. A couple minutes pass by and the location where I was standing by, a gun fight started. They were trying to kill this kid because he couldn't pay them the rent.


On Sands: Were any deportees witnesses?

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

Well clearly[,][1] but I think the actual implication was that he wasn't moved. It seemed the way it was written and his aforementioned day dreaming would imply that his experience didn't really happen; and that's why he was back in the truck[.][2] The appearance of the walkie talkie at the end is what cements that the experience did occur and that wasn't in the truck the entire time. It was just the lack of transition that put me through a loop.


On Animals tortured in abandoned building

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:14 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

Oh[,][1] well now I just feel silly. Though I don't think the greyfolk really count as they have no direct part or appearance in the story (apart from possibly Angela and Tenga who I theorize are the last remnants of greyfolk)[.][2]

I mean, yeah. They are honestly my favourite books in the world. I've listened to the audibooks (not exaggerating) over twenty times, and I never wanted them to end either, but there is still a certain habit of moments feeling like they take much, much longer than they need to. And other moments of some poetic, thoughtful description of nothing that neither needs a description, or is particularly relevant.


On Move after Neil Ellis' resignation

Posted 18 March 2014, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal