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alexispeack says...

Its a very good and informative article[.][1] Mostly accurate except for this sentence. "There are also many bitcoin fans who see the currency as an antidote to the inflationary tendencies of central banks, although this argument for bitcoin is misguided." He doesn't explain why he thinks its misguided. Also, in the end he says most people should "probably not" buy bitcoins right now saying it's still too complicated and volitile for the average user.


alexispeack says...

The reality is[,][1] most of the world today is still a wasteland of barbarism and savagery. The kind of "civilized" societies that people are taking granted for really only cover a small fraction of the globe[.][2]

The misconception is, if a people has adopted the use of modern technology and some semblance of modern institution, they would act like modern men and women. That is far from truth. It took a couple hundred years for most people in developed countries to accept the modern concept of human right, rule of law and democracy, why would it take any less time than that for people in other countries?


alexispeack says...

Oh, I have[,][1] but it's "creeping Socialism" that's the source of their anxiety. Obamacare, tax increases and the like. Nevermind that Obamacare was completely designed around the existing marketplace in a way that private insurers get millions of newly mandated policy holders[,][2] the appointments of Geithner and Summers, the fact that nobody was prosecuted following the economic collapse, the BP oil spill, the DOW recovering to new historic milestones, etc. etc.

They subscribe and adhere to the basest lies and most superficial political drivel. As I said. It's simply not worth it anymore. I just make sure that my siblings don't get brainwashed.

I swear though, I would brain O'Reilly, Beck, and Hannity with a nail bat for what they've done to my uncles, aunts, and grandparents. Goddamn filthy fascist propagandists.


On Fox in Grand Bahama on factfinding mission

Posted 18 March 2014, 7:39 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

I work around elderly people who watch a lot of Fox[.][1] They live in their own little world and are terrified by it[.][2] One woman is convinced, still, that the Dream Act was an attempt by Obama to kick all the white people out of college and give Mexicans a free ride. Oh, and Obamacare wants to kill everyone over 75 with death panels (yep, people still believe this).

I asked one woman if she thinks people are entitled to other people's tax dollars. Nope. No way. But she's entitled to endless government-provided health care, regardless of her age, fitness level, or even the chances that the procedures will be successful? Well of course. Anything else is murder. It's not fair. People need that health care.


On Fox sniffs out GB investments

Posted 18 March 2014, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

Credible people have to go there and argue with them because otherwise Fox will fill the chairs with faux experts who do Fox's bidding and the audience, who are none the wiser, would NEVER be exposed to truth. Fox's audience will not question the credentials of a person unless Fox does it first, or they're a Democrat in which case they'll just take whatever Fox's word for it is on that person's trustworthiness (or lack thereof) anyway, they're too sedentary and brainwashed to employ critical thinking.

On Fox sniffs out GB investments

Posted 18 March 2014, 7:15 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

I'm not actually sure - I bring everything to H&R block and they tell me what I owe[.][1] I imagine it has something to do with a lot of the business expenses being deductible[,][2] plus paying a huge amount of student loan interest and getting an education credit for being in school part of the year. I used to do my own taxes but once I owned a business I was afraid of making a mistake, and I figured it would cost me more to miss a deduction than I would save doing them alone. Sorry that isn't more helpful.


alexispeack says...

I would want to buy a house[.][1] But not just any house - one with a tower. That's right. I want a spire[.][2] I'd put my personal office (the place I go to write or play on the computer) up there. Also important in the house are secret passages/rooms.

My family would also be taken care of - my parents would be able to retire immediately; my partner's parents would be taken care of; my sister of choice would be able to determine if her parents got anything. Money would be set aside for my children and my sister's children for education.

I would also set aside a large chunk (25%?) for charity work.


alexispeack says...

This is a dumb statistic[.][1] First, it weights sports by how many games they play, which works against sports like football (which happens to be the most popular college sport in America)[.][2] Stop any college sports fan and ask them whether they would trade 4 football wins for 5 women's basketball wins. Roughly 98% will say no.

Second, it cherry picks the stat itself by selecting the sports where Baylor did well. I have never heard anyone talk about this statistic in particular, ever, until after Baylor already accomplished this. Note the other comment that shows that the top 5 schools are all in one geographical area - basically schools where, say, NCAA lacrosse and soccer aren't big the way they are in certain other regions.


alexispeack says...

As far as non-cubans[.][1] I've been alternating between Padron 2000 maduro and natural lately. The maduro is a bit spicier, but they both taste about the same[.][2] This might be a bad example since it's very hard to visibly tell Padron's natural from maduro unless compared side by side. Similarly Fuente maduros and cameroons both have what I recognize as a the Fuente flavor and smell. Once again cameroon and maduro are similar, maybe I need to sit down with some sungrown and CT shaded Chateau Fuentes, but once again when smoking those versions I recognized a common flavor and smell which I guess I have to attribute to the filler and binder blend.


alexispeack says...

I hear people say this and it may be true for all I know[.][1] However do you have any source that says so? I think it may just be a common misconception since it makes more sense that rights would be separate between TV and film rather than lumped together into "live action"[.][2]
