Comment history

annmon says...

this is not a Covid 19 related death even though reading Shenique Millers story one would get that impression that it is

annmon says...

His head must be deep in the sand.

annmon says...

Yall don't forget when Brave was sick with Covid and got airlifted the same people who are rejoicing with him since last night were already calling Chester their leader and Glennys the deputy leader...No loyalty

annmon says...

I see we're back to square one. What about the fresh new faces who are now a part of the New Day? I somehow was under the impression that they would be a part of the NEW DAY when it comes to new ideas for this New Day party? Why did I even have that thought? So obviously we're back to doing the same thing with the same people expecting different results!! It is no wonder the voter turnout was so low. People have lost faith in both major parties. So here we go again. Five years of the same.

annmon says...

How interesting. Mr. Russell is only interested in cleaning up the grave yard IF he is elected!!! Take note people...only if yall don't elect Mr. Russell, that grave yard will not be restored by him...WOW!! How about showing community spirit by getting a crew to just go out and clean the graveyard any way? I've always heard that a promise is a comfort to a fool and a promise is a promise only if it is go and elect Mr. Russell, he's only interested in helping yall IF he is elected.

On PLP candidate laments state of graveyard

Posted 9 September 2021, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

You did say Minister Dames? Did you not? Nuff said!!!

On Quarantine voting - still no decision

Posted 8 September 2021, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

So sad and it's only getting worse. People don't care until them or their family members end up under the tent or in a Clinic and then they want immediate attention and care. Our medical staff is working tirelessly day in and day out and morale is extremely low and no incentive in sight. Even the cleaning crews should have been included when monies were paid out.

On PMH boss warns stress on staff at record high

Posted 8 September 2021, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

All of the above was already told to the public. People are just not paying attention and doing as they please until they end up at South Beach Clinic or elsewhere.