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annmon says...

There is this video and there is common sense and self care. If our citizens and residents would just learn to be law abiding and learn how to follow rules and regulations perhaps they or their families would not have to be outside under a tent vulnerable to the elements. Just take a drive out to fish fry/Arawak Cay(with your windows up) and then talk about what the Govt is and is not doing regarding our hospital and the health care system. Also, take a drive past some of these restaurants/bars, notably one in particular on Harold Road and tell me then what you think. Our hospital has been in shambles since I was a child and NO Gov't that came in power has made any consistent effort to upgrade the facility, keep it upgraded, pay the nurses and doctors a reasonable salary, kept them motivated and it certainly isn't happening now. This video only speaks to the lack of discipline that our people have and the little regard for their families. Stop gathering in groups partying ,stop taking the virus home to your elders. Wear your mask, wash your hands, social distance and stop placing the blame for these outbreaks any where other than in the mirror looking at yourself.

On Surely we can do better than this

Posted 7 September 2021, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

😫😨😨 seriously, this is one of the dumbest arrests I've heard in a long time...the police really couldn't use their discretion in this matter? really!! omg!! And just think, the courts went along with them...where is their heart? Do they have a soul? They wonder why the young men in the Country go astray, it's silly things just like that. If he was 'Mr. so and so's son' it would have never happened but in this Country of's who ya know for sure.
Mr. Jason Williams, don't lose heart, don't be discouraged. I am happy to know you received help...Khandi Gibson is a good person!! God Bless you both and keep doing the great jobs you're both doing!!

annmon says...

Really Brave, really!!! I guess this is what you call 'playing politics' aye? One minute you're advocating for the 'poor people' who need to go to the stores and asking the PM to open businesses so that they can go and now that businesses are slowly opening, you're asking why!! Do one and have a sat down!!! Oh...and a SHUT UP!!