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ashley14 says...

no way. that's the point.

On 11,000 youth jobless on New Providence

Posted 10 January 2018, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

This is the main reason for the gangs and the crime in New Providence. You have to give these young people something to get excited about. Instead they are turning to the quick money, and these thugs saying we care about you. Leading to the high crime, drug dependency, broken families, and early death or death of incident by standers. I read this paper almost everyday. Everyone knows what the problems are, but I don't see change. No it's not going to happen overnight, but you have to start somewhere. If everyone started change their homes you would see a major change just with people knowing where their kids are. Making them apply themselves at school, share in the chores at home. Teaching them to be respectable, responsible members of society.

On 11,000 youth jobless on New Providence

Posted 10 January 2018, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

This is the main reason for the gangs and the crime in New Providence. You have to give these young people something to get excited about. Instead they are turning to the quick money, and these thugs saying we care about you. Leading the high crime, drug dependency, broken families, and early death or death of incident by standers. I read this paper almost everyday. Everyone knows what the problems are, but I don't see change. No it's not going to happen overnight, but you have to start somewhere. If everyone started change their homes you would see a major change just with people knowing where their kids are. Making them apply themselves at school, share in the chores at home. Teaching them to be respectable, responsible members of society.

On 11,000 youth jobless on New Providence

Posted 10 January 2018, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

A lot of good points have been made. Legalizing marijuana will give people a more relaxed attitude about using it. Which will add to dependency problems, broken families and even early death. Pastor Troy is right about sugar and fast food. The Bible says treat your body as a temple. That's not just getting high. I do worry in this generation that so many of them grew up with absentee families, that they are not going to have the skills to raise their own families.

ashley14 says...

I don't think marijuana should be legal, but to put some in jail for a small amount is a waste of tax payer dollars. Someone that likes smoking pot, just like a casual drinker isn't a criminal. When I say a casual drinker I don't mean every day or a six pack. Life is stressful we adults deserve to chill every now and then. Everything in moderation. The problem lies in that so many people have addictive personalities and don't know their limits. The difference between casual drinking and alcoholics can be a fine line that so many can't control. I'm sure marijuana use is the same. Some can handle it and some can't, their still not criminals. It does destroy families and lives in many. That's why I don't believe it should be legal. I don't believe it's any worse than alcohol.

ashley14 says...

Maybe it will help put the drug dealers out of business.

On Marijuana issue ‘not on agenda’

Posted 5 January 2018, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

Make it more like New Orleans Mada Gra. People come in droves to be a part of it. It's very profitable. Most people outside of the Bahamas don't know about Junkanoo. It would be profitable then.

On Carnival - no more money, we’re out

Posted 3 January 2018, 6:01 a.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

The Ellen show gave her whole audience a 5 night stay including airfare, at Baha Mar. These are people with good jobs and would be great advertisement for the Resort. Hopefully they enjoy their vacations.

ashley14 says...

Someone has been burned by a women. Not all women at not to be disrespected, just as men. If you find the real thing hold on tight for men and women with the character that we all desire are hard to find. Some even pretend to be, but watch close one's true self will shine through.

ashley14 says...

Corruption just slipping thru the cracks happens everyday in the US. Murders are never heard about. Anymore there might be a school shooting, or mall shooting on one side of Atlanta and on the other you wouldn't ever hear about it. In the Bahamas you count your murder count (everyone), which makes it sound bad, but we have more crime per capital than we act like. Although I've been told not to go over the hill, stay in the tourist area, because of crime. There is no place in the US that I would say that about. I'm not afraid to go anywhere in the States, but of course if you see something that looks like trouble stay away.

On ‘Scantily dressed girls invite attack’

Posted 31 December 2017, 4 a.m. Suggest removal