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baclarke says...

I really don't mind wearing masks and actually prefer being required to wear them in public. Can't stand talking to persons and they end up spitting on you and spreading only God knows what in addition to Covid. Having an exception for tourists is 100% discriminatory.

On Minister: Mask decision not discriminatory

Posted 16 March 2022, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Now, i'm not the biggest fan of this administration, but I do know that they were the better choice over the last administration and their clueless leader. However, this administration can do almost nothing about any of those things you mentioned since we produce almost none of those things and must import almost all of it. Sure we can try to source from different places, but if everywhere is being hit with the same issues at the same time and is seeing massive inflation, what do you think is the way out of it? We are going to have to ride that wave like everyone else, and hopefully learn to produce at least a bit more food while we ride it.

baclarke says...

John, you waste your words. These people confuse equal opportunity with equal substance. Man does not equal woman, yet both are equal in value and should have equal opportunities and protections. Anyway, like i said, we argue with a world who can no longer define what a man or woman, male or female is.... If you jack that concept up, then you jack everything up and it all goes up in the air up to anyone's interpretation. Hopefully ladies like Alicia Wallace continue to speak up for women, but I pray she watches the "trans" crowd or else men will infiltrate and dominate the same things that women fought so hard for. If you need a good example look at "trans women" in sports....

baclarke says...

Stupid, naaa, i'm entitled to my opinion as are you. The bible doesn't dictate our legislation and neither do you or anyone else with their indoctrinated school of thought/opinion. We must come to something that the majority agrees with. Hopefully you aren't "stupid" to believe that your opinion is the only one that matters...

baclarke says...

@John, you are trying to appeal to secular minds, and all they will do is call you a "misogynist". The crux of the matter is, we live in a dysfunctional world where nobody is perfect and the sexes seem to be at constant war (a power struggle) with and abused by each other. Even though the bible teaches about a mutual submission (yes, both men and women submitting to each other and not with holding sex for either), this doesn't give grounds for rape/abuse or forcing oneself on one's spouse. There are times when neither will want/desire sex and the other should lovingly and patiently accept that. If a man feels like he has to abuse his wife to get what he wants, there is something wrong with that man that woman should leave seek refuge and there should be a penalty if there was serious abuse. However, I do agree that with something like this, there is room for abuse in the opposite direction also. Rape allegations can destroy a man and his career. The law better be written in some way to help protect against such situations where the accusation is false and intended to harm a man. Also, divorce should be allowed if a women intentionally withholds sex from a man indefinitely within the marriage. My opinion, if the wife isn't giving it out, lol, why would a man want to stay in that relationship anyway? What's the point of abusing the woman to get sex? Easier to look elsewhere.

baclarke says...

"“This concept that somehow a penalty greater than death would stop a man killing a woman overlooks the fact that we have to have personal control and we have to take personal responsibility. Until we buy into that we’re going to continue to think that the police catching somebody, the courts convicting and sentencing someone, is the answer."

It is true that there is no greater penalty than death. However, this part about personal responsibility while this is true and desirable, it has ZERO to do with justice. Also, all this talk about whether any of this deters crime has ZERO to do with justice.

On Harsher sentences are not the answer

Posted 26 January 2022, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"Asked about this, infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes said: “Yes, there is early information that the rapid antigen tests may be less likely and accurate to pick up COVID-19 cases from the Omicron strain and what does this translate into when we were looking at our practice and what we do is that if you are having symptoms and you have done a rapid antigen test and it is negative you should follow that up with a PCR test and we do have to be mindful of that and our technical team is looking closer at that to see if we will change any guidance.”"

These people are nuts, who can afford or wants to pay hundreds of dollars on tests, if you do not have severe symptoms/asymptomatic? While the government's efforts at providing free testing is commendable. We can probably save money and some relief by providing self-testing kits for the population as is currently being done in other countries.

baclarke says...

"This may yet be this prime minister's legacy: standing up to the medical warriors." Agreed, only those extremists think that locking down the country is the answer. This time people can't even feed themselves...

On No tough measures on Davis’ play sheet

Posted 31 December 2021, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Vaccination won't stop the spread of this variant or any other variant. So it really doesn't matter. At this point, all you can do is allow the virus to take it's natural course.

baclarke says...

Omicron can be compared to the common cold and flu... Yet as you say, they "scared the world" into taking "boosters" and shutting their borders. Covid isn't killing the world economy. Our stupid decisions are. All while we continue to make these pharmaceutical companies super rich. All sane and thinking persons should invest in these companies.