Comment history

baclarke says...

"Meanwhile, former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said yesterday..." Please sir, just keep quiet, you are completely useless in the realm of politics. You had also opened up the country which also took us into a wave of infections. All sane and thinking persons realize that closing the country isn't the answer and only hurts the economy and temporarily delays new infections.

"“Why has there not been a blanket statement encouraging the private sector, all those persons who can work from home, stay home and those who need to come in, come in?" Why? Because your administration have already brain washed the private sector to "encourage" vaccination on their employees. So even my own workplace enforced a "hybrid" work from home approach forcing persons to come in to work a few days a week and also forcing them to either get vaccinated or pay for their own testing. The program was just shut down recently due to increasing infections in office... That sir is what you call STUPID and criminal. People like you Mr. Minnis make me sick.

baclarke says...

Superb comment, I second this!

On ‘Prove IMF wrong or Bahamas sinks’

Posted 14 October 2021, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Does it matter whether the curfew impacted crime rates? I'm sure it did, but who's willing to support mandatory curfews in order to lower crime? I know I don't....

baclarke says...

Another dumb article. It's amazing how everyone is ready to give up their freedom for something that doesn't even make sense. Have fun when they limit or take away your freedoms for something else which you may feel differently about in the future... Anyway, the point has already been made multiple times, this political tactic being employed by employers, and even some world leaders is all political in nature and not based in science. The vaccine does not stop you from catching or spreading covid. End of story.

On Have cake and eat it

Posted 8 October 2021, 8:09 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"that at least if they were to ask persons who wanted to continue to work with Atlantis that they pay for their testing that might encourage them to get vaccinated"

At least you are acknowledging that you bullying and coercing persons to take the vaccine. Your decision isn't on science, it's based on agenda. Thank you for this clarification.

baclarke says...

"Atlantis and other employers have also argued that they have little choice but to make unvaccinated staff pay for their weekly COVID tests as they have a responsibility to ensure a safe environment for guests, customers and staff, and simply cannot carry the financial burden any longer given the relatively strong vaccine hesitancy in The Bahamas."

Another dumb statement. I think that all employees working in a closed space should probably be tested weekly, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, and ALL of them probably should pay for their own tests. However, the vaccine has nothing to do with the safety of anybody....

On Atlantis owner urged: Obey Bahamas’ laws

Posted 8 October 2021, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Sooooo many articles in relation to various establishments telling you to either get vaccinated or have to test weekly, a false dichotomy. It's amazing how persons cannot see clearly that this is not an issue of health or safety, but one of coercion and politics. Vaccinated and unvaccinated alike can catch, spread, and possibly die from covid. The science has shown this. Sure, vaccination decreases the risk of severe disease and hospitalization, but this has ZERO to do with catching and spreading covid. Companies want to be able to "look good" and tell their customers and the world that hey "we're fully vaccinated". It's all marketing and politics. If they were truly concerned about stopping the spread of this virus, they would force weakly testing on ALL of their employees, vaccinated and unvaccinated, as this is the only way to help in stopping the spread. The only thing that vaccination is good for at this point is as a personal choice for the individual if they believe that they are high risk for severe disease and want to "boost" their immune response. That is it. The rest of the arguments for the vaccination at this point are utterly FALSE.

On Common sense over COVID

Posted 5 October 2021, 11:04 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"vaccinated, or been tested for the virus." LOL how are these two mutually exclusive? Dumb.

"In other words I can continue to support my favourite eatery because I know it is as safe as any place can be. I know that the chef, the waiter and bartender are as safe as they can be from contaminating me." HUH? how are they safe from contaminating you? What "science" are you using to determine this? You think vaccinated persons cannot catch and spread the virus to you? hahaha. Dumb.

I'm saying this as a vaccinated individual. Sir, you are not thinking with a full deck there.

On Common sense over COVID

Posted 5 October 2021, 10:55 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"The Realist" like other politically misinformed individuals also fails to realize that this is all political in nature and not "based in science". While the vaccine reduces the risk of hospitalization, it does not stop persons from catching and spreading covid, so this is a stupid article, and the bullying tactic of forcing ONLY unvaccinated persons to take covid tests is ALL political in nature and not "based in science". I agree with FrustratedBusinessman, the only sensible approach is to test all or none. Realist, I hope your grade average wasn't "D"unce.

On Atlantis and testing

Posted 1 October 2021, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Apart from broken families/single parent homes being the biggest issue, society in general has shifted away from home schooling setups to relying on the "system" to train our children. It was inevitable that any shift away from this system would be a complete culture shock and even a disaster.