Comment history

baclarke says...

I voted around 2:30 and thankfully my polling division was completely empty!

On ELECTION DAY – As it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"For me the rising number of deaths from COVID should be reason enough to make vaccinations and masking mandatory." Masking yes, but vaccination no. Masking yes, because it helps to stop the spread with little to no impact of the user of the mask. With the vaccine there are still unknown health risks and it doesn't stop the spread of covid. Taking a vaccine without long term studies is a risk to the user. That risk has to be optional, not forced. I took the vaccine because I accept the risk, but I cannot force another to do the same. You mentioned schools in the US. I agree that as a private institution, a school can make whatever requirements they want, and you have a choice as an individual to accept those terms or go elsewhere. However, Biden is now overstepping his authority by mandating that private businesses require vaccination or weekly testing, if they have more than 100 employees, or face heavy fines. No government should ever be allowed to do this. This should be up to the businesses themselves. If so, the next time they may mandate something that you don't agree with.

On Make masks and vaccines mandatory

Posted 13 September 2021, 10:50 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I agree with you on the importance of the vaccine, hence why I took the vaccine. However, some persons just don't want it for various reasons, and I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to accept the risk of taking new vaccines. If we accept that, and move on instead of demonizing the unvaccinated then we can discuss actual treatments which can even help all including those who are vaccinated and have "break through" infections. In regards to treatments though, countries have experimented with drugs such as ivermectin and have had great success in reducing hospitalizations, severe disease, and death. Sure, it's not officially approved, but studies have shown it's success. There are other similar drugs which if given to covid positive patients early in their infection, have shown to reduce their risk of developing severe disease. Therefore my question is, why aren't we doing this if we want to see our hospitalizations decrease?

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 10:28 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Great post, point taken....

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"the question that needs to be asked is whether increased mortality from vaccine side effects being shoveled under the rug…" Yes, I think that this is the case. They will tell you that your risks from covid is higher than the risks of the vaccine and so your best option is to just take it. I firmly believe that in the future when the data clearly shows the negative impacts of the vaccine and is irrefutable, the rhetoric from the medical commnunity will change to "we gave you the best advice at the time based on the 'science;" and there will be no accountability.

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

This shows great immaturity. If someone disagrees, then it's "conspiracy". The only conspiracy here is the the goal of pitting vaccinated against unvaccinated which you have brought hook, line, and sinker. Drop this nonsense, and start thinking along the lines of actual covid treatments. Sure, right now vaccines are helping to reduce hospitalizations and severe disease, but at the end of the day you may be one of those "fully vaccinated" persons catching some variant which may lead you to the hospital. Don't you want treatment options? Shouldn't we try to treat persons before they end up in hospitals? Natural and vaccinated immunity are both great, but treatments options should never be disregarded...

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"John Campbell already said some directions have to be given for people in this new phase. He is talking prophilactic measures and supplements like Zinc." Exactly, more medical persons are finally starting to understand the need to actually "treat" persons again. This never should have stopped. This is precisely where we have gone wrong and why we are in this situation.

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"So the question is what is killing vaccinated people that isn't covid in such greater numbers - 10 fold increase!? The august data has not been release yet but Excess mortality is also way above average right now...something bad is going on.. collateral damage from lockdowns? Delayed check ups? Or something else..?"

Probably a combination of these things. Perhaps those "lockdown" chickens are coming home to roost in the impact to our health. Also, only persons in denial can say that vaccines aren't killing anyone. If you die after you catch covid, it's covid related, but if you die after the vaccine it's not vaccine related? Talk about double standards... Sure you can get hit by a car after being vaccinated, but what about the sudden heart attacks or strokes and all these other things? You have to be in complete denial or brainwashed to say that the vaccination has no impact...

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

This is the point I was making earlier, it is a dishonest one sided approach, and I'm saying this as a vaccinated person. Some of these commentators suggest that you can either take the vaccine or die, as if those are the only two choices. I hope these commentators consider that vaccinated persons can die from covid also. To these specific commentators - Don't you want treatment options under those circumstances? Or do you prefer for them to tell you sorry sir, you are "S#4t out of luck"? Stop being childish and divisive and actually hear what persons are saying and try to treat those with Covid. Eventually there will be more vaccinated persons in hospital and dying, what will be your rhetoric then? Buch of childishness.

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Also, simple logic dictates that as the percentage of vaccinated persons increase, those metrics will obviously change. We have a much higher percentage of unvaccinated persons so of course it's going to look like this at the moment. As new variants emerge and the vaccine effectiveness decreases, what will be the comparison then? Those who have received a booster shot vs those who haven't? Such childishness. Let's get real with this and actually help persons. And yes, I am sayin this as a "fully vaccinated" individual.

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal