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baclarke says...

This is not a matter of vaccinated vs unvaccinated as has been the false dichotomy from the beginning, spouted by various global leaders. This is a matter of following covid safety protocols such as proper mask wearing, social distancing, and quarantine, as well as doing extensive testing of all persons who are travelling, mass gathering, and even dining, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. This is the only way to help prevent the spread of Covid. Vaccination will not stop the spread of Covid. While vaccination has been proven to reduce the risk (not eliminate) the risk of hospitalization or death, there are also combination drugs/treatments that can be used to assist persons who are covid positive (vaccinated or unvaccinated) to help them fight it and avoid hospitalization and death. You give persons these treatments once they test positive, not when they show up at the hospital.... this is the error that is being made. Stop leaving persons to fend for themselves who test positive. There is sound medical treatments and supplements that they can take that will help them in the fight. Until we start to think like this as a nation we will never start to move past this stage and unnecessary quarrel about who's vaccinated vs not vaccinated. Such childishness.

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

This is not a matter of vaccinated vs unvaccinated as has been the false dichotomy from the beginning, spouted by various global leaders. This is a matter of following covid safety protocols such as proper mask wearing, social distancing, and quarantine, as well as doing extensive testing of all persons who are travelling, mass gathering, and even dining, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. This is the only way to help prevent the spread of Covid. Vaccination will not stop the spread of Covid. While vaccination has been proven to reduce the risk (not eliminate) the risk of hospitalization or death, there are also combination drugs/treatments that can be used to assist persons who are covid positive (vaccinated or unvaccinated) to help them fight it and avoid hospitalization and death. You give persons these treatments once they test positive, not when they show up at the hospital.... this is the error that is being made. Stop leaving persons to fend for themselves who test positive. There is sound medical treatments and supplements that they can take that will help them in the fight. Until we start to think like this as a nation we will never start to move past this stage and unnecessary quarrel about who's vaccinated vs not vaccinated. Such childishness.

baclarke says...

“There is a new ‘Delta plus’ variant that spreads 60 percent faster and is more contagious than the (old) ‘Delta’ variant. In order to save your life, keep the economy going and avoid a permanent lock down, all employees should get vaccinated immediately.... After September any employee that is not completely vaccinated will have to take a negative test weekly.”

LOL more stupidity. I agree (mostly) with the first sentence, but how does the first part of this translate to the second part? Will only testing the unvaccinated stop the virus from spreading? LOL stupidity.

baclarke says...

Well perhaps not pointless, but perhaps with only one agenda in mind, bullying persons to be vaccinated....

On UB faculty demands COVID policy rethink

Posted 3 September 2021, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Another commentary section with persons missing the point of vaccinations. Vaccinations do not stop persons from catching or spreading covid, so businesses who enforce these rules with covid in mind do so pointlessly. End of story. No conspiracy theory, no anti-vax motives. Simple Logic.

On UB faculty demands COVID policy rethink

Posted 3 September 2021, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Thank you Tribune, for keeping us up to date with the vaccination stupidity of these organizations. They must be getting their covid updates from facebook or cnn. Newsflash, vaccinated persons can carry and spread covid, so this policy serves no purpose except to bully persons into being vaccinated. I support vaccination and am vaccinated, but this logic is pure stupidity and bullying.

baclarke says...

Another stupid comment. Nobody is arguing that vaccination is decreasing hospitalizations and death. The point he is making is that vaccination doesn't stop the spread of COVID. So why are only the unvaccinated being forced to test? Use your brain buddy, you have it for a reason.

baclarke says...

Interesting, why do you think that being vaccinated should make you exempt from being tested? Are you saying that vaccinated persons cannot carry or spread covid? If so you are lying. If not, then this statement is pure stupidity.

On Council to seek consensus over COVID testing

Posted 2 September 2021, 9:59 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"SUPER Value Food Store chain has called on its staff to be fully vaccinated by the end of September or take a weekly negative test." This opening statement makes zero sense. I am vaccinated. What is so special about me being vaccinated in the context of preventing spread, when i can still catch and spread covid? So I don't have to take a test but my unvaccinated brother/sister has to? We are testing all persons travelling in the country, vaccinated and unvaccinated, but here locally, are we saying that our vaccinated population are special? Such stupidity.

On Super Value sets target for staff to vaccinate

Posted 1 September 2021, 9:40 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Should be interesting to see what the solution is. How will persons with symptomatic Covid vote? This whole situation is tense. Let's see how they roll this process out. Personally, I do not want to stand in a long line with a bunch of possible Covid-19 infected persons to vote. There was a comment about vaccination. Please, for the love of God, this is irrelevant to this conversation. I am vaccinated, but the vaccine will not stop the spread of Covid, so it has no impact on this conversation.