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baclarke says...

Do you have a link for this research? On the contrary, most of the scientists that I have read or listened to are saying the opposite, that the variants are being created in the unvaccinated since the average strain of covid (excluding delta) can more easily infect and grow in an unvaccinated person.

baclarke says...

"“I can tell you on the 30th when school is expected to open, with no plan and no discussions with the unions, there will be a surprise,” he said. “‘I couldn’t come to work today, Mr Employer, because I had no light and no water.’ Your manager could not show up in a mashed up shirt and no water to bathe"

These people are criminals. So you threaten not just to walk off of the job, but to intentionally interrupt the utilities and services. You are criminals. Somebody with the kahunas needs to fire the lot of you and hire foreigners.

On Unions dangle national strike threat

Posted 20 August 2021, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

It has been predicted for a while now that these covid vaccinations may become annual like the flu shot. Nothing surprising here. Based on the results of other countries, the booster shots are primarily only benefitting the above 60 and immuno-compromised crowd at this time. However, I know that some companies like pfizer are also working on updated jabs to target delta specifically.

baclarke says...

What contradiction? Am i taking the vaccine? yes. Does it mean that I discount the possibility of conspiracy? no. Do vaccines provide a level of protection against being hospitalized and severe symptoms? yes. Does our government report on the negatives impacts of the vaccines? no. Should everyone make their own decision on whether to take the vaccine? yes. Should opinions be silenced in comments and social media? no.

baclarke says...

I'm thankful for the Pfizer vaccine, and plan on taking it as soon as I can. I see persons commenting here on wanting to silence what they consider to be conspiracy theorists. The thing is, you can't prove any of these guys wrong... Stop trying to control what people are saying or else it may happen to you and you certainly won't like it. Instead, allow persons to be responsible and do their own research and come to their own decisions. I don't agree with everything that Tribanon and some others are saying, but I certainly agree that big Pharma is most likely playing a role in this and stands to benefit financially more than anyone else. I also think the virus was created intentionally based on the provided facts, but perhaps escaped unintentionally and now they simply can't control it. I don't want to take the vaccine, but will take it at this point since it is shown to provide a level of protection and because the world will intentionally bully you by limiting your rights if you don't. Is there conspiracy here? Based on these things, hell yeah, I think it's more than feasible... can anyone prove any of these theories beyond a doubt? No.. but the possibility is there. If they want persons to be less hesitant at least be fair with the conversation and report on the grievances of those who may have suffered loss or had serious impact due to the vaccines. Never see it here. At least other countries like the US, EU, and Australia report on the negative impacts. But here, all they can tell you is cause of death is "unknown". Either way, everyone has to make their own decision on what to do and stop crying about not liking what certain persons say. Go cry a river elsewhere.

baclarke says...

Agreed, that we don't track adverse affects here. I think they are content with simply ruling that any death after vaccination is not related to vaccination in any way....

On Delta variant fears drives vaccinations

Posted 11 August 2021, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Fact, i just checked the vaccination register, there are ZERO time slots available.

baclarke says...

As VITT (blood clotting) cases continue with Astra Z and J&J around the world, our government continues to tell us that the vaccine that they offer is "safe". Other countries at least push to provide alternatives, such as pfizer to their younger (under 50) populations since they acknowledge that there is a higher risk with these particular vaccines to the younger population. For those who are saying that the risk is low with the clotting, remember that "based on the science" we basically know at this point that we will most likely have to take annual vaccinations to keep the efficacy up. Have fun taking a vaccine that can possibly cause VITT for the rest of your life.... If our government gets pfizer or moderna i'll take it. Otherwise, i'll continue to follow protocols and keep my immune system up.

On 228 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 8 August 2021, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

With the PM still mandating PCR testing for unvaccinated persons, and rapid antigen tests all around, I don't blame them... As crooked as the whole thing is, make that money while you can.... If I had a lab, I'd be testing also.

On Doctors in COVID testing expansion

Posted 5 August 2021, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

We're proud of you brother! Congrats!