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baclarke says...

Great post, in Addition to this, they should experiment with other drugs such as Ivermectin that has had great success in other countries, because as you said we simply don't have enough vaccines. Our governments problem is that they are following the same old tired script of the CDC, WHO, and countries who are also failing to keep their hospitalizations low...

baclarke says...

The government should have been testing vaccinated persons from LONG time..... They tried to sell the people a dream. Now that dream has failed....

baclarke says...

"While we have a policy to allow the vaccinated in, the US and many other countries that receive direct flights from the Bahamas have entry requirements that include a negative covid test result." This is actually an excellent point. These travelers can only return with negative test results. This being said, we should still test them before they come.

On A tsunami of lies about vaccines

Posted 30 July 2021, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Again, you are the idiot. If there was a new strain of influenza that spread worldwide, then yes it would be a pandemic.…

baclarke says...

Let me help you out, right from Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Definition of pandemic (Entry 2 of 2)
1: an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population : a pandemic outbreak of a disease
a global pandemic
Influenza pandemics seem to strike every few decades and to kill by the million—at least 1m in 1968; perhaps 100m in the "Spanish" flu of 1918-19.
— The Economist
2: an outbreak or product of sudden rapid spread, growth, or development : epidemic entry 2 sense 2
We have been talking about the pandemic of racism for centuries.
— Roger Griffith
Nobel-prize winning economist Robert Shiller warns a pandemic of fear could tip the economy into an undeserved depression.
— Stephanie Landsman

baclarke says...

"No threat of hospitalizations and death mean no pandemic." FALSE. No matter how many times you say this, it doesn't make it true, I encourage you to look up the definition of pandemic. Pandemic is in reference to the SPREAD of an infectious disease, and the vaccines do NOT prevent the spread of covid - fact.

baclarke says...

"he added that vaccination-related court rulings in the US had established a precedent where the public interest in having all persons inoculated outweighed individual freedoms and choice."

I completely disagree with mandatory vaccinations. The only way this consideration would even make sense is if it was actually proven to prevent the spread of covid, which it has already been proven that the vaccines do NOT prevent the spread of covid. So the US court rulings are stupid and this guys comments make zero sense. Then he mentions hospitalizations like everyone else.... well geee, if you are so concerned about people being hospitalized for health reasons, make all unhealthy food and tobacco illegal and force persons to exercise.... Maybe this is in our "public interest" also?

baclarke says...

It's because all they can do is parrot the rhetoric coming from other countries and media sources. You are correct, lockdowns are only a temporary measure and do more harm than good. We need to continue testing for ALL (vaccinated and unvaccinated), wear masks and social distance. Also, we should start looking at "unapproved" medications such as ivermectin to reduce our number of hospitalizations.

On Mandatory vaccines ruled out

Posted 28 July 2021, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...…

The saddest part is that they are calling this "new science", as if some how everyone bought into the lie that vaccinated persons could not catch and spread covid..... Well I certainly know who bought into this lie hook, line, and sinker, Our Prime Minister and his Party, and our "competent" health authorities....

baclarke says...

Good decision FNM, making the vaccines mandatory for any group would have set a horrible precedent and may have been the final nail in your already mostly built coffin. "She said because of the significant role medical workers play in the fight against COVID-19, officials recognise the need for more personnel to get vaccinated to help contain the pandemic." This is a false statement, vaccines will not contain the pandemic, they will only help to prevent severe symptoms and hospitalization. This being said, I highly recommend that healthcare workers DO get vaccinated, since their exposure and risk is extremely high.

On Mandatory vaccines ruled out

Posted 28 July 2021, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal