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baclarke says...

"Yes, there is a small risk a few of you might suffer a complication from the vaccine but there is a much greater risk of you becoming seriously ill if you don't." This is putting it a bit lightly in my opinion. You can not only suffer "complication" but you can even die from blood clots. I have a friend with a family member right now who has to re-learn how to walk after their vaccination. While indeed the hospitals are full of unvaccinated sick persons, statistics still show that majority of persons will not need to be hospitalized and will not die. The point I am making is that while the vaccinations are indeed saving lives, persons are still at liberty to refuse them if they doubt the long term implications of the vaccines (which nobody knows), and may want to take their chances with Covid, it's as simple as that. Everyone, I knew personally with covid recovered without hospitalization. In reference to the drugs you mentioned, such as ivermectin, the few countries who used it had great success in keeping persons out of the hospital by treating them as the caught covid. It just goes to show you that there is more than one way to fight this battle, without forcing or coercing persons to take experimental vaccines. All of this being said, I plan to join the pfizer experiment instead of the AstraZeneca experiment, but I have no quarrel with those who choose not to. Time will tell us if any of us made the right decision.

baclarke says...

Look up the definition of "pandemic" and you will see that your statement is just as false as when Biden said it. Secondly, being hospitalized or dying has nothing to do with being vaccinated or unvaccinated on the job.

On New hires may need vaccine to secure job

Posted 27 July 2021, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

To be honest, this is a valid choice for an employer to make for new employees so I have no quarrel with him on this. Of course he will limit his hiring options, but that is his loss/risk to accept. The thing is, the vaccinated requirement will make no difference in the spread of the virus..... so if this is why he is enforcing the requirement then it's foolish...... Asymptomatic vaccinated and unvaccinated persons will continue to spread the virus as is happening right now.... The best he will get is that the vaccinated persons can continue to work while they are sick, lol.

On New hires may need vaccine to secure job

Posted 27 July 2021, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I agree that all countries and governments are going through the same challenges, and that our government has worked hard to keep Covid 19 levels low. Although I didn't enjoy it, I understood the lockdowns at the time and they still had my support. However, I have drawn the line with their attitude towards the covid vaccines and whether or not a person has taken the vaccine. Here is where they have gone horribly wrong and it has caused our numbers to go out of control. The number one reason in my opinion - They have stopped testing the vaccinated, who are returning or coming into our country. While they keep their heads stuck in the sand vaccinated persons are bringing various strains into our country and they will have no idea since no test is required. Yet all they can do is blame the unvaccinated for all of our problems. While the unvaccinated are typically more symptomatic in light of the more deadly strains, and are putting a strain and burden on our hospitals, they are not the only ones spreading this virus in the populace. So yes, the FNMs stupidity has failed us as a country. They will never help to bring Covid under control here thinking like that....

On Minnis has failed - but he’s not alone

Posted 26 July 2021, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

You miss the point. It's not about doing "nothing", it's about leaving the matter as a personal choice and not falsely villainizing those who choose not to take it.

On Unvaccinated treated like scapegoats

Posted 26 July 2021, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

WOW, Pastor Carlyle, this is the best letter I've read on the subject I think since the start of this nonsense! Well done!

On Unvaccinated treated like scapegoats

Posted 26 July 2021, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

You posted this while I was typing, couldn't have said it better.....

baclarke says...

"He added: “The young people are scared, and it’s the same thing all over the world. The education versus the conspiracy theories, but who’s winning?" While conspiracy theories are indeed an issue, but the "education" that you are speaking of isn't helping either. Telling people that the vaccines are "safe" while some person die or have other life impacting issues from the vaccines is deception. When persons die shortly after taking the vaccine, only to be told by medical personal that it was unrelated to the vaccine, but the cause remains "unknown" is also deception. Have the honest conversation with people and stop making it seem as if all is well and safe in the covid vaccine world. Making it mandatory will only empower the conspiracy theorists and will make the government and health authorities look worse. I know persons who have been in and out of hospitals after taking the vaccine for various issues, and someone who has to relearn how to walk after taking the vaccine. How about include these things in your "education". When your honest, and can honestly state the risks (of covid and the vaccine), then maybe persons can make a more comfortable decision....

baclarke says...

"Mr Roberts also suggested that The Bahamas could evolve into a two-tier society if vaccination rates do not improve when new supply becomes available, adding that non-vaccinated persons could effectively “lock themselves in” and “not be able to participate in the economy and regular life”." Here we go with the elitist, tyrannical, discriminatory FALSE dichotomy. with less than 30% (last I checked) of the population being vaccinated, I dear the businesses to BAN the unvaccinated. Such a stupid idea. Here's a better idea, firstly get some more vaccines, second, encourage persons to take the vaccine instead of the stupid elitist talk, thirdly continue to enforce mask wearing and social distancing and testing for vaccinated and unvaccinated, lastly, get your head out of your @$$ and stop thinking that only the unvaccinated are spreading this virus.

baclarke says...

If the health professionals care so much, why don't they force persons to stop drinking or smoking? Such idiots. If you are worrying about transmission spread, test nurses (vaccinated and unvaccinated alike) and send home those who are sick. If you don't do that, then you are operating on the false notion that the vaccinated can't pick up or spread the virus ("pandemic of the unvaccinated" - such a stupid comment considering that a pandemic is about the spread of a disease, not who is dying from it, such imbeciles")