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baclarke says...

Sigh, we keep coming to this same discussion over and over. No matter, how sick persons may get, or how full the hospital may get, you cannot make a brand new drug/vaccine mandatory. End of story. You can say how much you support the vaccine, and how many unvaccinated are in the hospital or dying, but it makes ZERO difference, it still must be a choice. If the "vaccinated" have such an issue with the "unvaccinated" (how stupid and discriminatory that we categorize our populations this way) then who cares. Just watch everything play out. If persons die then they die, but I guarantee you that more than 98% of them will not die.

baclarke says...

Comrade Tal, no scheme. Drop the superfluous, money making health visa, and use the accepted and much cheaper Rapid Antigen test across the board. We have to test persons travelling internationally. At least I'm not suggesting that we close the boarders to certain countries like Israel is doing, although I understand why they are.... We have to accept and manage this new normal. This virus isn't going anywhere, it will continue to evolve and our best hope is that we all adapt to it as we have to other viruses.

On Sands fears for staff as cases spike

Posted 19 July 2021, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

There's no reason and no rush to call an early election. Ain nothing happening until next year.....

baclarke says...

No matter how low the risk is, you cannot make a person put something into their body that can possibly impact them adversely. The idea of "mandatory vaccination" is sickening. For goodness sake, if someone doesn't want the vaccine and they drop dead, then let it be so. If they die in the hospital, let it be so. If the hospitals are too full, then let them die in their homes in their own beds. It is what it is. Stop spending so much time focusing on the unvaccinated and spend more time on enforcing policies that will help us to live with the "new normal". I agree with you that much Dr. Sands. We have a new normal. It is what it is. Drop the PCR test, and require a Rapid Antigen test for all persons, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, when travelling internationally and between islands. Keep social distancing in place and mandatory mask wearing. Bring in enough vaccines to vaccinate your popluation (otherwise, your cries to the unvaccinated make ZERO sense) and let life go on as normal. Some will die, most will recover, and life will continue. Is it really so hard?

On Sands fears for staff as cases spike

Posted 19 July 2021, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Dump the health visa and force all persons, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike to take the rapid antigen test.

baclarke says...

" ...doing so will depend on infection rates and the behaviour of residents". "Everything depends on how we behave ourselves as a people."
This guy continues to show his contempt for the Bahamian people and his lack of understanding of current world trends and the transmission of the virus. While the virus is indeed spreading here, he fails to acknowledge that many vaccinated persons are bringing the virus here but he seems to think that they are immune and don't require testing. What an imbecile. You want to help your people Mr. Prime Minister? Firstly, bring in enough vaccines. Secondly bring in more options faster other than that clot-risk laden astrazenca vaccine, and most importantly test ALL persons travelling internationally, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Either heavily subsidize the PCR test or use the more affordable rapid antigen test (because either way you will have to test everyone again) and drop that money making, teefing heal visa scheme.

baclarke says...

It's all about fear mongering, coercive tactics, and lack of knowledge. Bully and coerce persons to take the vaccine by taking away the privileges of the unvaccinated, telling them they will die if the don't take it, and convincing the Bahamian people that they are the only ones spreading the virus. This time, in Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world and an example we should watch and take notes from, they understand that even vaccinated person are carrying the virus. They are requiring the testing of all travelling persons, vaccinated and unvaccinated, a quarantine for some countries, and completely blocking others. This time, we don't even have enough to vaccinate our entire population and the PM still thinks there is no need to test those who are vaccinated. What a clown...

baclarke says...

This Delta variant is moving fast. Vaccination along with good sanitation practices, mask wearing, and social distancing should help stop the spreading, but they MUST continue to test ALL persons who travel, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Stop being stupid about who is vaccinated vs who isn't. Stop making life harder for those who aren't vaccinated, and let them accept and live out the risk that comes with that choice.

On 17 new COVID related deaths reported

Posted 16 July 2021, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Like Proudloud said, the gambling issue has zero to do with the Minnis administration....

baclarke says...

The PM has gotten too militant and divisive for me to support him any further. It will be a hard choice at the polls, but I know it won't be red....