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baclarke says...

I feel you Tal. The government's bullying definitely just falls short of mandating....

On Pfizer’s vaccine here by August

Posted 15 July 2021, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Good, it's unfair to force the employees to pay for the test if this is a sudden requirement that YOU are imposing. The government "encouraged" you and now you will resume responsibility for the costs....

On Employer liable to pay COVID test fees

Posted 15 July 2021, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

This inept government seems to thrive on fear and aims to divide the populace, a false dichotomy of vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Can't wait to vote these guys out of office.

On Airlines fined thousands for visa failures

Posted 14 July 2021, 10:20 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

“I’m fully vaccinated. We need to get vaccinated. If you don’t trust the AstraZeneca vaccine that’s on you; what could you say?” she said. “Being locked up and the other restrictions don’t make any sense, so if being vaccinated will help the situation then why shouldn’t we be?” It's good that you are comfortable with your choice to be vaccinated, but it is wrong to bully those who aren't. Trash the PCR test and replace it with the Rapid Antigen test and require it for all persons including the vaccinated. Our government is completely incompetent and lack discernment.

baclarke says...

I agree with your points sir, except I am sure there are areas that we can cut some "fat" from while at the same time increasing taxes on the bigger companies and lowering VAT and Duties. But absolutely, customs duty and VAT is killing us. Also, yes, because of the government's incompetence, it is now super expensive to travel back and forth between neighboring islands.

On Media helps promote fake narratives

Posted 14 July 2021, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Mr Thorpe, we apologize for our incompetent leadership and their money making "health visa" scheme. We are going to vote them out of office. However, while the health visa is an issue, the bigger issue is the expensive PCR test requirement. We should change this to the rapid antigen test like other countries are doing and still test everyone due to the variants that even the vaccinated can pick up. So remove the visa, but keep the requirement for a rapid antigen test which can be easily shown during travel.

On Health visa is a barrier

Posted 14 July 2021, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Your pride and ego continues to shine through your comments. Don't you get it? Even if the number of deaths are relatively low, the risk still remains. Also, we aren't even discussing those who did not die, but have been severely impacted due to VITT clotting whether its being fully/partially paralyzed or have some type of nerve damage. The point is, "SAFE" is relative. It wasn't safe for those 100+ individuals, and it isn't guaranteed to be safe for any of us. We count our blessings and are thankful if we aren't negatively impacted, but stop running on about being safe. If you want to at least sound smart, say "low risk". Other than that, you sound militant and egotistical just like the PM. That's why the greater % of citizens, who are unvaccinated at this point, are going to vote his militant egotistical self out of office. Also, for someone who loves to reference TRUMP and TRUMP supporters, you sound just like the guy.....

On PM: Only way to end pandemic is vaccine

Posted 14 July 2021, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I'm happy for pfizer to be coming here. It has a better safety profile then the astrazenneca, that's for sure. Of course none of these should be mandatory and absolutely up to the individual to accept the risk.

On Pfizer’s vaccine here by August

Posted 14 July 2021, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I understand those who believe that the current covid19 vaccines will help to end the current pandemic. I actually agree. However, I have a problem with those who are arguing that they are "safe". "Safe" is a relative term based on the person making the determination. It is a FACT that persons have died from the vaccines due to myocarditis and VITT. So for the morons who are saying that they are "safe" need to fact check themselves. Yes, we know the risks are extremely rare, but they still exist. Therefore, you CANNOT force an individual to take something that puts their life at risk. It MUST be a choice. And if you do have the kahunas to make it mandatory you should be held 100% liable. End of story. Personally, I will take the pfizer vaccine when we get it, but that is MY decision to make, and it shouldn't be mandatory.

On PM: Only way to end pandemic is vaccine

Posted 14 July 2021, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

So are you saying the reports of those who are paralyzed or die from VITT are all "conspiracy theories"? If so, then you must be part of a conspiracy theory. Also, if you acknowledge that VITT is a possibility as the doctors already have, how do you define safe? If one of us or our teens (and soon to be children) die from VITT, is it still considered safe? Was it safe for them? You sir are an absolute moron.

On PM: Only way to end pandemic is vaccine

Posted 14 July 2021, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal