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bahamalove says...

With all the proposed corporate tax breaks and incentives the Trump Administration is planning to offer to businesses to bring their jobs and money back to the US, it is going to take a Herculean effort for the Bahamas to attract US foreign investment. That $250,000 threshold for attracting investment to the Bahamas may be a double-edged sword. The low amount is needed to actually attract interest here but on the other hand it has the potential to bring all types of shady characters with ulterior motives to our shores.

On One year deadline to hand over foreign jobs

Posted 1 December 2017, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamalove says...

Exactly! Why would a foreigner even want to invest here if they know that they have only a year to train a Bahamian to do their job and then they have to possibly leave afterwards? And saying that Freeport could be a Silicon Valley is a far stretch. Electricity, living and business costs are too high, and Freeport is prone to hurricanes which is very disruptive to businesses.

On One year deadline to hand over foreign jobs

Posted 1 December 2017, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamalove says...

Yes, the FNM government messed up big time on this issue! Everyone knows that the insurance industry is the biggest scam out there. They will do everything in their power to deny a claim or pay as little as possible. I would sooner trust the webshop boys before I trust the insurance industry.

On Irma insurance cover 'colossal waste' - Davis

Posted 15 September 2017, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamalove says...

Looks like the PLP were trying to smuggle in new voters.

bahamalove says...

Just think Numbers!

bahamalove says...

One of the problems in our society is that over time all of this theft will eventually get legitimised. Long after these tiefing politicians are dead and gone, leaving their descendants very wealthy, Bahamians will be using words like "prominent" and "elite" to describe the heirs of these crooks, just as in the case of the Numbers boys and the rum-running families of historical past. The dirty deeds are soon forgotten and the stolen money is eventually washed clean. This is why it is important to pursue these cases and prosecute! Not just name and shame. Unfortunately, we all know that nothing will happen and these crooks will be left free to plot their new schemes for the next 5 years they are in governance.

bahamalove says...

Since Mr. D'Aguilar doesn't know what he is going to do, I believe that at minimum all Ministry employees be made to familiarise themselves with the organisation's Code of Ethics if there is one. My feeling is that no such document exists in the public sector or civil service.

bahamalove says...

Remember, Allyson recommended herself for title of QC. Now she can charge outrageous legal fees in her private practice. Sure set herself up nicely.

bahamalove says...

Agreed! If the DNA is to survive, they must immediately consider electing such rising stars as Arinthia Komolafe to leadership positions in the party. As long as Branville McCartney and Chris Mortimer are leaders of the DNA, Bahamians will continue to think of the party as a fringe organization with no real chance of garnering any support in our elections. The quality of candidates did improve this election cycle and the party can survive if its image can move past that of 'Branville's party' to continue to attract intelligent, progressive individuals with a common vision.

On DNA played no role in election outcome

Posted 29 May 2017, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamalove says...

Don't feel too bad because the entire island has become a dump and a ghetto! It's amazing that we as Bahamians can't keep a 21 x 7 square mile island clean. All the work that the government is doing at Potter's Cay dock will soon be a waste because it won't be long before Bahamians will have that area looking nasty again.