Comment history

bahamalove says...

The police should have arrested Mr. Davis just for wearing that ridiculous hat in the above photo!

bahamalove says...

The government sure moved fast to appease Mr. Nygard after that last scandal broke!

bahamalove says...

I swear the man travels more than US Secretary of State, John Kerry. It sickens me to see this man posing for pictures with foreign dignitaries or celebrities all over the world! It could be the most obscure function and you are sure to see Mitchell posing for a photo op with his smug smile. Even when it involves local travel within the Bahamas, he feels that he has to be at every function. And he can't seem to get enough of seeing Sir Sidney in LA! Your stature on the world stage is not as big as you think it is. Like the Tribune has said in the past, he is looking to fill up his scrapbook with all of his exotic travels, but on the backs of Bahamians. Please turn over all of your earned frequent flyer miles because they belong to the Bahamian people!

bahamalove says...

That debt ain't slowing down anytime soon because elections are coming up and traditionally the government in power goes on a spending spree to curry favour with the electorate. The IMF already packing their bags for their 'vacation' to the Bahamas.

bahamalove says...

Didn't Mr. Fitzgerald also claim that it was a matter of National Security when he issued a nolle prosequi for AG Maynard-Gibson's former clients? Seems like PLPs like to use the National Security excuse to cover their dirt.

bahamalove says...

Very good commentary Ms. Burrows! Frankly, I am tired of successive governments and individual Bahamians who have sold their country out for a few dollars with regards to this illegal immigration problem. If illegal immigrants truly comprise at least a third of our population could you imagine how much better off economically the Bahamas would be if we did not have to foot the bill for all that come here? My concern is that all of these social programs that the PLP government wants to implement will continue to be for the benefit of everyone else but Bahamians. I would never advocate for the mistreatment of anyone but we as a country need to get a serious handle on this illegal immigration problem.

bahamalove says...

Can someone please make a decision regarding Freeport's future? I think Grand Bahamians are tired about hearing about all of the island's depressing economic analyses and the ongoing feuds within the Port Authority. The economy of the island is akin to a coffin being slowly lowered into the grave. Soon the only thing that will be left to do is to put the dirt on top of it. Before the powers that be start figuring out how much VAT and investment money can be extracted from Grand Bahama, let's at least get the economy going again and have people working. The island has run out of time for messing around with indecisiveness. The opening up of Cuba may be the final nail in that coffin.

On Grand Lucayan ‘may sell’ for under $180m

Posted 20 January 2016, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamalove says...

What this 'spin' story doesn't say is that they see much greater profitability in using the ferry to transport guests from South Florida to Cuba. Everyone is gearing up to get a slice of Cuba and no one wants to be left out including the Genting Group. That ferry would probably be full if it were to travel from Nassau to Havana with all the Bahamian men looking to "sightsee" in Cuba.

bahamalove says...

So now one of two things can happen: (1) We won't hear a pip squeak from Mr. George Smith on this interesting recount of historical events detailed by Mr. Adrian Gibson giving strong credibility to these circumstances, or (2) Mr. George Smith will come out with a strong rebuttal of this article spewing more 'less than honest' statements claiming his innocence. I think most of the general public have already made up their minds as to whom they believe. Thus, Mr. Smith you should just keep your mouth shut and crawl back into obscurity. No one wants or needs your corrupt opinions or advice. I hope those 'more than generous' friends and relatives continue their generosity towards you this Xmas. Maybe this time around they will 'loan' you money for a Mercedes.

bahamalove says...

Lol! Mobilisation to completion (or even substantial completion) in three months for a project needing $600 million dollars worth of work to finish? Hmmmm..............