Comment history

bahamianadvocate says...

TalRussel u normally talk A LOT of smack MOST times but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I actually agree with you this time...but the problem is not with the Tribune, its all Bahamian media. They highlight the negative (murders, robberies, etc.). They make Bahamians afraid with these negative headlines. Maybe they should place positive stories on the front page and the negative in the back.

bahamianadvocate says...

Think about people..this news article says, "The report also outlines various measures that can fund the plan"...this means that these are possible schemes which the government could implement to fund NHI...I'm sure the government won't choose payroll tax over alcohol and tobacco taxes. This NHI plan is NEEDED for the country!!!

On Hospital death rates revealed

Posted 4 March 2015, 1:36 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianadvocate says...

Police then went to a hoe on Shrimp Road, off Carmichael Road?????

On Woman stabbed to death in fight

Posted 17 November 2014, 7:14 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianadvocate says...

Why do you have to look on the negative side? Try to be positive, its healthy!

On Bahamas is a 'true sporting paradise'

Posted 30 May 2014, 10:26 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianadvocate says...

This goes to show how uncoupled the Government is on addressing environmental issues
whereby allowing further dredging to occur without going through the correct process. The government may be under economic pressure to stabilize the economy BUT it does not give them the right to ignore environmental concerns.

bahamianadvocate says...

I think that this must be a necessary step in order to decrease the level of importation of drugs (marijuana) along with its more serious counterpart, guns!They should also consider this being
an additive tax that will improve the Bahamas' economic situation as it can be directly taxed. Also less money would be invested outside of the country by drug dealers seeking to purchase
these drugs for importation. Overall, more money for the Bahamas.

On Debate to open on marijuana?

Posted 15 April 2014, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianadvocate says...

Collin why do have to be such a ball licker. There is nothing wrong with being pro-FNM however when you call a diamond a piece of fabric it is not the truth. Dr. Minnis is an idiot and you being you backing an idiot makes you an even bigger idiot. Dr. Minnis will never be prime minister of this beautiful bahama land as long as the diamond stays a mineral. So keep posting your contradictory BS along with Hubert's contradictory BS and see how far that gets both of you all.
The FNM can do better. You could do better.

bahamianadvocate says...

Yup, you are correct. Dr. Minnis does not care if he contradict himself as long he blasts the plp for their actions. This is the same position he took with stem cells. He supports stem cell research but opposes it cause he feels PLP cannot regulate it but he is fighting for democracy. Hmmmmm. This guy! I can't believe he is the leader of the opposition.
Dr. Minnis is more confused than a homeless man on house arrest.

bahamianadvocate says...

This story should be 6 inches above the headlines. This is what adds to the BS because it is pushed so far back by the media. The media should be pushing these issues to the government but yet they have little professionalism and now we will hear little if not nothing from this story. Just another story as far as the government concern.

bahamianadvocate says...

Dr. Minnis is fighting this bill because he has nothing else to do. The FNM does not have a true leader and thus lacks a vision for their party and the country. He is not for the people, he is lost! There are many issues more pressing other than stem cell research in which he needs to be more vocal. (Crime - murders, drugs, theft etc., Education - lack of a tertiary Institution, Immigration). He was minister of Health when the new Okyanos stem cell facility was built in Freeport without any sort of legislation in place. So the people ask.. Why now Dr. Minnis ????

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal