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bahamianadvocate says...

Collin, Collin, Collin... Your response to my statement showed that you have completely misunderstood what I was proposing. The fact is that Dr. Minnis is objectifying Stem Cell Research based on the fact that the Bahamas government (including himself) are incapable of regulating an industry. We as Bahamians have qualified people who can make proper regulatory decisions as we did with tourism and banking and finance in which we are leaders in the Caribbean.
Dr Minnis should not make this bill about his objections (which he clearly did today). His actions PROVED that he is incapable of leadership. I agree with you in that Dr. Majors' actions were not just, however Dr. Minnis ' behavior is far that of strong party leader. He may have been a good minister of health but would never be a good prime minister and definitely not as good as Perry Christie despite his screw ups.

bahamianadvocate says...

Was a mistake, Bahamian people***

bahamianadvocate says...

Dr. Hubert Minnis is not fit to be leader of the opposition because he simply does not know what it means to lead a party. The FNM's leader should not oppose every single thing the PLP implements are 'try' to implement. Stem Cells is a new challenge in which the government collectively should come together and try to regulate. Dr. Minnis should not be shooting everything down and claiming that PLP don't know how to regulate it. Instead he should be using his ability (as a Doctor) to suggest ways of regulating it. Honestly Hubert Minnis should be ashamed of himself and should resign as leader. he does not know his duty as leader of the opposition. he is for fnm and not for the bahamian plp.

bahamianadvocate says...

I do think that Farrakhan is a racist and the fact that he made referenced to a community
where mainly foreigners reside is simply naive. No matter where you travel in the world, in a society which strives on tourism, there will **ALWAYS** be places in that land where foreigners would love to live. For him to see Lyford Cay as a place that has been stripped from the Bahamian people is fairly stupid because it is **Land** a resource than cannot be physically taken by foreigners. If Bahamians want the land back after the millions of dollars which these same (White) foreigners leased/purchased, Bahamians can get it back if they want. So for him to make such a statement just demonstrates that he does not know what he is talking about. Where do they find these idiots who think they know everything??

On Nygard faces the wrath of Farrakhan

Posted 17 March 2013, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal