Comment history

bahamianson says...

I am not going to say a word.

bahamianson says...

Gardiner and his management team were afforded a trip on the poor tax payers of the bahamas. They owe us an explanation. They do not get to make a private decision when they are funded by the bahamian people. How can they keep this to thems3lves. That is selfish! We want our thousanda back. That was a free ride on our VAT taxes.

bahamianson says...

Defend all you want. There is no defense. You arw the leader of the Bahamian people. You tell us to have pride in our little bahama land, and you jumped ship like you did in Covid. You left for better treatment in the US while bahamians died with covid. This is the second time you should no confidence in your bahamian doctors. This is very disrespectful. I dont think you are proud to be Bahamian. You should be voted out. Then the people will make you a Hero!! I hope they remember this.

bahamianson says...

Wow, this guy is crazy. How about everyone start their own business and no one will need a minimum wage. People need to be self employed.

bahamianson says...

Actually, he probably has some paint on there.

bahamianson says...

Bey, this a stupid statement. Wr have all kind money to s3nd athletrs to paris for 2 weeks , yet, we cant see them. Next, we have three athletes whom have a high vhance of getting a medal. We have shaunae, gardiner and charlton. They have a reasonable chance. really. So, why not be practical and send the ones whom can medal and leave the others. We just paid a lot of money for vacations. Now you make a stupid statement like, it is too costly to show the olympics.

bahamianson says...

I thought he was fro. bahrain.

On Taylor wins heat, but misses final

Posted 30 July 2024, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

What about the elephant in the room, though??? Where is the FNM? You mean to tell me, the defence force, strike forcs and whomever walked into cbs with guns a blazing and did not walk into Sandals guns a blazing? Why did they not do this to a foreign company , but can abuse Bahamians? Why do we abuse our own?

bahamianson says...

The hampstet wheel continues. Sheeprunner, I agree. They increase minimum wage, the businesses increase prices. Nib increases tax and the businesses increases the prices. Gas increases and the businesses increase prices. We need officials whom can think and use their economic and financial degrees.

bahamianson says...

And , what about the elephant in the room?