Comment history

bahamianson says...

She is sorry she got caught. Ministers acquire the God Complex once in office. They automatically ask, do you know who I am? She should be fined because she should know better!!!

bahamianson says...

Why is the company paying for the dishon3st staff. The staff member should be.paying for the.meat she stole

bahamianson says...

Yeah, cuz we ready,.....whatever.

bahamianson says...

This individual is a genius. She really has insight. I wonder whom wrote her speech because it applies to the year 1980

bahamianson says...

Bunch of lies. They will never have anything bad to say , all good mak3s them look good while the children are failing.

bahamianson says...

Another tax for what? Where is this getting us. People are still damn poor while politicians have all kind of money to fly everyqherw and have lavish indep3ndence parties for thems3lves and frienda. The money does not reach the poor man.

bahamianson says...

New Alert, everything is increasing !!!! We are in a pickle and only the steong minded will survive. The people in government do not have a clue and gas, food, bills , construction supplies and labour are all increasing.

bahamianson says...

Lets scrap everything and start over with accountability, respect for self and others and discipline. How about that. Government wants more money than VAT, bpl wants to increase fees, bus drivers got an increase, gas station owners want moremoney, nurses want more money, athelet3s want more money, bread prices have skyrocketed, a gallon of mayonaise was 14.99 , now over $30. The place is over run with murders , rape and petty crime, pothiles everywhere, eletricity cannot stay on. What the hell is going on in The Beautiful Bahamas???!!!

On Increased fees at CIBC Bahamas

Posted 14 August 2024, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Whenever private eneities want an increase, the government says ,"unreasonable". Whenever government increases or creates a new tax, the government calls it reasonable. The government goes ahead with the increase or new tax regardless of what the stakeholders say.

bahamianson says...

Lol. You got it.