Comment history

bahamianson says...

No, dodging jury duty is saving your life. Cops tell yheir criminalnfriends whete and how to find the jury and witnesses

bahamianson says...


bahamianson says...

Japanese cars being major contributions to traffice accid3nts? What a stupid thing to say!!!! Ok , then tax the japanese cars , make the cars do community service, and put the bad cars in jail. Where the Japanese cars raised by two Christian cars. After all, Christian cars will teach baby cars about respect for other cars. Cars do not drive themselves, people drive cars!!! Alarming is how many Bahamians drive poorly and disrespect the traffic laws. I think a lot of people bought their licences from road traffic department and do not know the laws of the road. Get rid of whomever is selling licences in the RTD. So I saw somewhere on social media.

bahamianson says...

And it is 242 day. Who gets to celebrate for free? The politicians get to celebrate for free with our money. We buy the shirts and other merchandise. They get the merchandise for free, and their familias. They get the free party and steak while we pay for the expensive damn CornBeef.

On Rahming defends OPM’s travel budget rise

Posted 23 February 2024, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Yeah, and move that paper guy from government house. Also. Is his wife still on Bay Street. Move both. Why does one family have access to prime commercial and others do not? Total corruption!!

On One month to move for vendors by cruise port

Posted 23 February 2024, 6:24 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Well , if they can sign agreements at night, they can bring about the freedom of information act , so politicians and others can go to jail when corruption is found.

bahamianson says...

Well said. I agree with you .

bahamianson says...

How can a man and a cuban woman get arrested for prostitution and you have some shady action next to the pice station opposite the Point hotel? Why are the lazy , police not raiding that place every now and then? Are they treating it like the crooked numbers boys? What do the police do all day? Do they go on their phones and gossip?

bahamianson says...

Politics is a nasty game. Well, you are in the wrong party with the wrong people. I am sure you know about the same people in your present party were the same people when the billboards with the murder count a few years ago. So, to deflect, you say it worries you. Dang politicians. You do nothing to better the country only better the government purse, hence placing more burden on the people.

bahamianson says...

It seems like all government does is go looking for more ways to tax individuals. They say it will bring 140 million to the table , but in a few years , we will wonder where the 140 mmill went. The government squanders and loses money to frivolous means annually. This means nothing to Bahamians feeling a tax relief because we won't. Gas will still be high, VAT will still be present, other fees willl still go out. The Big Mac special, the wendys #1 , and the crack conch snack will not go down. The cost of bread and other items in the grocery store will not go down. We will not know or feel the impact of an extra 140 mil. The pm and his ministers will have more money to spend on travel and parties, then we see the pictures of them enjoying their lives on our money.