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bahamianson says...

And not in theplp, come on man? It is with both parties. It is readonable to conclude that all forces will consider the party in power. That is how they become commissioner.

On FNM accuse police of colluding with PLP

Posted 31 January 2024, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Still waters, you are running deep on this.

On FNM accuse police of colluding with PLP

Posted 31 January 2024, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Tou want the meeting to be peaceful, let money be involved. Once you tell them they will get an increase, they will love you.

bahamianson says...

Tribune says "Must" , and the Guardian says , Asked". The Englist Language is a serious thing. Must and asked imply two different meanings. Which is it? A command or a suggestion?

bahamianson says...

Lets see if they return it

bahamianson says...

Nontheless, there will be an environmental impact. Ok, so, going forward, how do we resolve this? If the project is going to cut down 50 trees and desteoy 4 coral reefs but generate 100 million in revenue, it is ok? Just asking.

bahamianson says...

We need the haitian police to help us with zoepound gang. We need forwign minda to assist us with this crime/ murder problem.

On PM: Another nation will step up on Haiti

Posted 30 January 2024, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

They say execution doesn't work. Ok, What we are doing now doesn't work also. It ia working for the gangs , though. They are giving the death penalty. Kudos to them

bahamianson says...

Exactly. The guy or gal is mad because whites are not killed. What nonsense. Racist in stupidity.

bahamianson says...

Very true because they are not welcomed at national celebrations and the like. When you are called names everywhere you go, why go. They stay to themselves and have private parties with other black Bahamians with a like mind to survive. Have you seen the bla ks graduating from QC, Saint Andrews etc? They are of a different mindset. Chicken snack and a blur mystic works for some black Bahamians , not all.