Comment history

bahamianson says...

Associated associated with womb carriors between 16-28 with 6 children and no job. What are the odds that she has 3 boys and 3 girls 1 out of each will get involved with drugs, gangs and crime. 1 out of 3 girls will sell hers3lf in prostitution or have multiple partners 1 being a married man. This cycle has to stop. By extension, we pay for school clothes, free lunches and healthcare. The money runs out, the stupid government increases VAT to get more money for the baby mill hampster wheel. The damn cycle continues. We need a dolution yo all these unwanted children born to 13 year old grandmothers

bahamianson says...

The place is too expensive to live. People whom were paying taxes afforded it, but if you keep going up , how the hell will they afford it. This place might as well implode. Politicians only know how to increase taxes. They cannot figure out how to balance books without increasing taxes. What is the point of a degree in economics or finance if you cannot apply them

On Unpaid property taxes hit $690m at mid-2021

Posted 25 January 2024, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

And caused sales to the station to plummet? Vel Muddos, the person whom wrote this article cannot be serious. You write about a potential murder and sales plummeting in the same sentence? You need to seek help because you are detached from humanity. You need to be more sensitive in your writing. This same mentality takes videos while someone in dying in the street like a dog.

bahamianson says...

Hold on, let me go pick up a part round the corner. I ga be right back.

bahamianson says...

So one lawyer is saying one thing and the other is saying another. Is Brave not a lawyer? Is wayne Munroe not a lawyer? Wayne makes his living of loopholes in exactly this. When Wayne Munroe is removed from office, he will be the first to challenge this which his party is enacting. The fox is in the hen house, so to speak. He will tear this apart.

bahamianson says...

Break your bail and your bail is gone? Wait, is that not the case now? If not, what have lawyers and politicians been doing for the past 40 years. How can you be on bail and still commit a crime with no repercussion? It only makes sense that it would be revoked . This is not enough. Bail should be revoked plus some other penalty that will hit them where it hurts.

On PM: Break your bail and your bail is gone

Posted 25 January 2024, 8:13 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Actually, Atlantis should close down . Let the people whom want more open up their own hotel and take all the risks. Let every hotel close. And we will eat each other. Let the steong survive.

bahamianson says...

Wow, every problem in the country is about money . That is one of the reasons why we have a crime problem. Greed is a vexing monster. People always want more and more and never get enough. Guess what, when they get what they want ; they will want more. After that. They will want more. Again. It is never enough.

bahamianson says...

Well, our blessing is once again our curse. Our freedom is our curse. The fnm opened the radio waves and allowed songs that promoted violence, disrespect and hedonism to be played on the public radio stations. Well, you need to shut that down in public and allow it in private settings. These concerts that promote violence , promiscuity, and disrespect need to be stopped. We have to do a number of things to bring this lawless, dissrespectful, generation under control.

bahamianson says...

No cease fire here. If they are not contained, they will rebuild and do it again in 15 years. Grow up and make the difficult decision. Stop pretending that you can rehabilitate someone while they stab you in the neck. Great job, you spoke to them and now you are dead.Go to the head of the class. Some say haning doesn't work. Ok I take your point. Also, teying to make peace with someone whom only understands violence doesn't work either. Isreal keep you foot on the neck!!