Comment history

bahamianson says...

Then we have to pay for them. The government has to increase something to find money to buy food for her 6 children, clothe them and school them. We are screwed in the bahamas with the poverty increading while the Prime Minister flies around the world eating steak and staying in 5 star hotels.

bahamianson says...

Come to the bahamas where you can have the experience of swallowing knives. Swallow at your own risk, but you get to twll people you did it. Just great!!

bahamianson says...

Need to stop any shark tank interaction with people . Need to stop and diving interaction with sharks. This news is all over the american news cycle.

bahamianson says...

Enough is enough, slaw makers need to act today. They are able to pass the laws yhey want overnight!!! Make gangs illegal and put them in jail!!!

bahamianson says...

We are living on a resort , everything is expensive

On Bran: Cost of living the ‘biggest crime’

Posted 16 January 2024, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Again!!!!! Damn! The experts said your have a higher chance of being struck by lightning than being bitten by a shark. Wow, not in the Bahamas. In the Bahamas we have had all kind of bits and 1 or 2 deaths.

On American boy bitten by shark at resort

Posted 16 January 2024, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Seriously? Do we not see this headline after every election? Boring and grasping for straws.

bahamianson says...

How did the majority of politicians get there silver tings? How can a custom officer, police officer , defense force officer or any government worker live in the house they live in or drive the car they drive, without getting their share. Tell me. We all know what happens on a daily bases. Road traffic still selling drivers licenses? Thats what someone said

bahamianson says...

We are majority black with almost 100%of our leaders being black. I guess it is the black racist doing it. I see your point. We have reversed racism here in big ways.

bahamianson says...

Yes for international individuals whom can help the bahamas not suck our life blood.we need people whom can make us better not worse. Also, when they come here, let yhem know that English is our first language not their language.