Comment history

bahamianson says...

So sorry to hear that . I Pray that God will keep you , comfort you , and restore you.

bahamianson says...

Also, all people do is call their friends ahead to warn them about road blocks

bahamianson says...

One month is womens month and the other month is Carnival where women are looked at as sexual toys ready to be girated on like a horny dog. Women turn their backs, push their butss out looking for the next guy to girate on. I dont understand the concept of womens month?

On Police investigate sexual assault

Posted 15 January 2024, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

We need to ban knives like people are calling for the ban of pitbulls, legal guns, and small Japanese cars.

bahamianson says...

Well, if you can't rehabilitate a killer , let them kill you. I don't want them to kill me. Let the killers reside with the priest, so he can teach him whilst stabbing hi

On ‘I do not support capital punishment’

Posted 12 January 2024, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

All bahamians love is puppy , peacock show. Look how important I am. Look at my expensive car. I am better than you, Look at my expensive jewelry, Look at my expensive clothes. We are a materialistic society , and it is eating us alive. We are killing because of mo ey and greed. We need to focus on what is important. It is God, family loved ones and friends, no more,no less.

bahamianson says...

I hope you have money to pay them. Don't charge me an increased VAT because you do not know how to manage money.

bahamianson says...

Bring Mr. Miller back.

On Miller: No guts for capital punishment

Posted 11 January 2024, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Let me guess, she picks a topic , fights publicly for a cause, and gets voted into cabinet. We have seen this play over and over again with no trie concern for the public. We saw minnis fight for the beach workers on cabbage beach, fritzgerald gor casuarina trees on saunders beach, Ferrari for the gas leak in marathon, ronald duncombe handing out bags of groceries during covid, leslie miller the same. It doesn't stop. Cynthia pratt was helping people all her life with scholarships ect. She really cared.for people.

bahamianson says...

36 cases in 6 weeks is fantastic and insignificant at best. Come on man, stop being an alarmist. How many people got the flu in 6 weeks? The flu infection probably was 10 times that amount. Secondly, everyone was partying and going to junkanoo, so is this alarming? Actually, 36 is fantastic in relation to 6 weeks , partying, and junkanoo celebrations. Stop being an alarmist. You have people out there that are easily led.