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bahamianson says...

Give them. A fish, they eat for a day. Teach them to fish, they eat for a lifetime. Many of them can sell newspapers, sell food, work for a fast food restaurant etc. Stop being lazy. Stop pandering to lazy people.

bahamianson says...

Seriously? Tell the minister that this was tried many times when she was in diapers. Need to tey something else. How about spanking in schools?

bahamianson says...

Wait, what are you reviewing, again? Didn't the man confess before a court that his daughter had a contract?

bahamianson says...

Yeah, those single mothers should have kept their legs crossed. You are missing the big green elephant in the room and looking at the small hampster. Single mothers need to smarten up and single girls should focus on their careers and not material things. They hook up with a.fella , and the fella leaves them high and dry. Wake up Bahamian girls wake up!!

On Shame on govt - $350 not enough

Posted 13 November 2023, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Will be reviewed? Dude stop talking crazy. That guy and all whom knew about it should be held responsible for this unethical breach. This is the Bahamian way and our culture. Dis we tings. We are a corrupt nation with only the top truly benefiting.

bahamianson says...

Bell? What Bell is still speaking? Does he have no shame? These disgraced politicians seem to love power and position. He , Shane gibson, Jerome fritzgerald and all others need to vanish.

bahamianson says...

Ok , who got paid off. Follow the money and fire someone. They had a.bad accident in front of that place this week. The public suffers for their inconvenience.

bahamianson says...

Disgusting. He needs to be fired. How can we clean up this place when no one is held accountable? If he could not see that he was wrong, he should not be in that position.

bahamianson says...

No one is in poverty in the bahamas. So the government takes care of us , now. How about the government make people more responsible? Girls and boys need to be taught the value of responsibility. They need to be taught about sexual re. Don't have children if you can't afford them. Why should a 32 year old from the shanty town be jobless with 7 children that is irresponsable!!! Now, we the people, have to feed her 7 children. The government of the Bahamas needs to help families but you need an educational program about family planning and responsibility. Every female in the bahamas is not entitled to have 7 children , whom the tax payers have to raise. Boys need to be taught the responsibility of weilding their penis. If you have a child, you need to be responsible and take care of that child. Boys whom run from their responsibility are cowards!! Take care of your children.

bahamianson says...

Yeah because Shane may be in line for a consultant job making 100,000 somewhere. Shane may get his kickback for being a good sport. That is how the Bahamian system works. Gerald is senior advisor to the pm, jones is ambassador to the US, Gray is ambassador to Canada, forbes was ambassador to somewhere. Forbes spoke on a case beforw the court , at a rally.and it continues. The politicians always getting greased. They won't tell you, you will hear Shane speaking to reporters , with an executive title to bahamar or the point. This is ridiculous