Comment history

bahamianson says...

Yeah because Shane may be in line for a consultant job making 100,000 somewhere. Shane may get his kickback for being a good sport. That is how the Bahamian system works. Gerald is senior advisor to the pm, jones is ambassador to the US, Gray is ambassador to Canada, forbes was ambassador to somewhere. Forbes spoke on a case beforw the court , at a rally.and it continues. The politicians always getting greased. They won't tell you, you will hear Shane speaking to reporters , with an executive title to bahamar or the point. This is ridiculous

bahamianson says...

Sounds logical, but will never happen, never. The majority of Bahamians do not think it is their responsibility to pay back what they borrowed. They will pay for a few months ,then that's it. You have to run after them because their dog died. The private company will go crazy and leave.

bahamianson says...

Bahamians generally do not pay their bills. They want the government to feed, clothe, and nurture them. The government generally fosters this mentality. So, the government will not let the government impose a tax. Ok.

bahamianson says...

Clear calls for better working conditions for prison guards, clear calls for better working conditions for nurses, clear calls for better working conditions for police officers , clear calls for better working conditions for defense force officers, bpl always going off, cable bahamas always drops the wifi, water and sewerage always has the water off, there is always a funeral that has to march downtown or on a main road for all to see and block traffic, the roads on the island of New Providence all have potholes, the busses have no law and speed everywhere endangering the passengers and the public, corruption is everywhere in Government agencies and cabinet, only family friends and lovers get high salaries, food has increased by over 20%, Government services have increased over 50%, women have 5-6 children with no job and husband, bahamian men (majority) are loose, slack, lazy and worthless,downtown Nassau is a dump , new Providence is a dump, haitian crisis, drug crisis, health crisis and the beat goes on. Corrupt politicians can start by dealing with at least one of these recurrent issues before using our tax payers money to fly everywhere. Oh, forgot , rape is up 50%so let's keep carnival going. Let us keep the breast and front in the eyes of the young , horns, un ambitious men, can't walk anywhere without being afraid of getting robbed. We are in a terrible place! Sorry for the run-on.

bahamianson says...

Awaiting promotions? Want two promotions per year? Do these promotions come with pay increases? Where in the hell will all this money come from? Politicians spend the people's money like they spend their own and half of them go bankrupt. Increase in food prices, increase in gas prices, raises and promotions , minimum wage in reases, NIB tax increases. Damn, I can see why people think about bad things. This country is in a bad state and it seems like money is the answer to all life's problems.

bahamianson says...

The writer has to be from SAC or a SAC sympathizer. Queens College also made the championship but was not the headline. Stop showing favoritism.

bahamianson says...

Jobless 32 year old mother of 7 in shanty town. Who feeds her children? Social services and government programs are paid for by our money. I sis not have a bunch of kids because I can't afford to feed all of them the government raises taxes to assist in feeding these unplanned children and responsible tax payers have to foot the bill while these mothers complain about the food their children are getting in schools for free! Utter Hogwash!! We cannot get rid of VAT because everyone pays. Why should I have to pay for someone else's pleasure?

bahamianson says...

If tou have a problem with the food , buy your own. Stop complaining when someone is helping you. You are ungrateful . Eat leaves!

bahamianson says...

First of all I would not build on someone else's property. That is an ill advised decision. Everything else is a nonstandard.

bahamianson says...

They all need to open up their own company and see what pitfalls await them