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bahamianson says...

Christopher Columbus all over again, and it continually occurs. Persons with a lot of money come to the bahamas and apparently buy black leaders. When will this stop. We just had the ftx, now this. Had the zelensky, Carlos lehder, vesco , nygard, and the list goes on. It does not stop!!!

bahamianson says...

Areogance, I say. Mr. Mitchell, all due respect ,but Bell doesn't have to respond to immigration. He does have to respond to the people whom voted for him. He is an elected official, wlected by the people. He didnt create the job, it isn't his.

bahamianson says...

K3ntucky is running the best deal for luxury food.right now. I can't understand how bahamians can cry poor mouth , then go in restaurants to spend food and rake pics for social media. How are bahamians affording to go to the expensive movie place and eat at the restaurants after is beyond me. This Bahamas is a resort. We are living on a resort , but once the politicians , their lovers , family and friends are happy.....we good.

bahamianson says...

So if you are haitian , you are repatriated, if you are chines, you stay in a hotel and have your paperwork brought to you. Make it make sense. If ya black you are treated differently than is you are yellow?

bahamianson says...

Says the fishmonger

bahamianson says...

"Could have been", you lawyers are something else. Stop the idle chatter ;stop wasting the people's time.

bahamianson says...

It gets boring on the island. There is nothing else to do but smash.

bahamianson says...

It should be healthier than the pollution coming out of every truck leaving the port by fort Charlotte. Every morning the yrucks come out of the fish fry with smog stacks blackening the entire area straight to rubia gas station. Will the ministry of health do anything about those disgusting trucks?

bahamianson says...

What about the flesh eating bacteria?

bahamianson says...

The bahamas is in trouble. The prices in Super Value go up by the day. The Bahamian public cannot afford to pay $20 for a gallon of milk.