Comment history

bahamianson says...

All bahamians should be waiting. They need to list them in the paper like they list the licensed dentist, physicians and engineers. They should get fined $1000 per day until they have disclosed. We need punishment. That is the only way people learn not to do it again. Spa k them!!!

bahamianson says...

Stop whining and produce the water. You are.a.water company. What does a.water company do? It produces water. Surely, this is not the first summer where water sales have increased. Stop whining!!

bahamianson says...

Lol, so true. When he is tired of her ; he picks another.

bahamianson says...

Great athlete, will do well!!

On Anthaya Charlton transfers to Florida

Posted 19 July 2023, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

So, I break the law and rob a bank. I return the money plus 10% . Do I go to jail?

bahamianson says...

Arrogance is dripping from him. It reminds me of Hubert Minnis' comment about boiled fish.

bahamianson says...

Isnt it always the same?

bahamianson says...

The law is not the law for all. Politicians and rich individuals get special privileges that the commoner does not. It is what it is. Stop writing foolish headlines. I called the police station for a party that lasted after 2am with loud music. The police officer asked me I I realized that cabinet ministers were in attendance? I said , "so if cabinet ministers are in attendance and they are breaking the law , you turn a blind eye". He said, " have a good night, Sir". The law is not for the politician or rich individuals like the FTX guy. He came here and bought everybody.

bahamianson says...

Bahamians cannot fix roads. Look around new Providence. Every road has potholes. Look at bahamar's roads. They get rain like all other roads, yet without pot holes. Get the chinese to build the roads. Otherwise , we are wasting mony. What plp operative got the contract?

bahamianson says...

Water taps are around the island. People use them but whom pays for the water? People need to be taught about priorities in school. Brand named clothes and glasses are not priority. An apple cell phone is not a priority. Eating a expensive bahamian restaurants are not priorities. Buying brand name clothes , makeup, eyelashes a new bag and shoes, and jewelry to eat at the expensive restaurant are not priorities. Oh, neither is taking photos to put on social media
A priority. pay ya bills , people!!

On Jobs and prices fear over electric costs

Posted 18 July 2023, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal