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bandit says...

Well if you don't like what has happened, do campaign to have changes made to the constitution of the country. Usually, situation like what has happened to Minnis would not have occurred, if everyone in his party thought that he was doing a great job as the opposition leader. There would not have been any need to have him removed and this section of the constitution that deals with removing a sitting opposition leader would have been mute. There must have been a reason why the authors of the constitution saw it fit to but such a provision into the constitution.

On An ugly use of the Constitution

Posted 21 December 2016, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

The IMF soon coming to take over the economy.

bandit says...

Well if you barrow de people dem money you have to pay if one way or the other. And that's what this country has done.

bandit says...

LBT is very smart. You keep your enemies and critics very close to you. This way you have some control of what they do or what they are about to do.

bandit says...

Do you want the Bahamian people commit suicide if the Bahamian Dollar is downgrade.

bandit says...

Wow! Turks aloud a foreigner to be elected PM of their country. That could never happen where Mrs Sharlene Cartwright was born.

bandit says...

How come there are hardly ever any black Cubans fleeing the island.

bandit says...

Take that crap off your head.

bandit says...

Well that's what Bahamian always wanted was access to gambling. They now got it and it will destroy the very fabric of the society.

On Businessman blasts web shop ‘scourge’

Posted 16 December 2016, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

TURNER is a better leader than Minnis hands down. The guy is so sorry and going into the election they would have surely loose big time.