Comment history

bandit says...

It's about time this happened. This guy may be a good person but he is not an effective leader.

bandit says...

Gov't have money. Don't you see that they just spent 20 million on a new radar system. All the VAT money. Plus them PLP are good friends with them Chinese. They can hit them Chinese up for a low interest loan or even a grant in which they don't have to pay back. Remember the PLP and the Chinese are now great buddies.

On THE BIG QUESTION: Funding for hurricane relief

Posted 28 October 2016, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

If someone has to declared what Mr. Pinder did then you have to question what he really is. If you are what you say you are and are confident in you sexuality then you should not have to defend it to anymore. It makes you more of a suspect. Just saying

On Activist says Pinder comments inappropriate

Posted 27 October 2016, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

Government is not worried about major investors, they have the Chinese.

On ‘Baha Mar sale is a fabrication’

Posted 26 October 2016, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

Wish them all the best and a long and happy life together. There are bigger things in life to worry about rather than who is marrying who.

bandit says...

I am sure Haiti would appreciate these foreigners helping them put back on whatever little electricity that they have. Leave the Bahamas and go to Haiti where you would be more appreciated. Mr Miller sound so ungreatful

bandit says...

I saw do as Mr Miller suggested and not bring in Foreigners to help with the restoration and let the people continue to bawl that they don't have any electricity. The man Miller has lost his mind and with his continuing bashing of foreigners I can see the Bahamas tourist protect going further and further down the hill without any brakes.

bandit says...

So you are telling me there is not one cow at BAMSI that can produce milk for the country. We are in a very sorry state in this country. Without vision the people will perish and that is exactly what's happening now. But you know what in a couple of months we will forget everything.

bandit says...

WTF is going on in this country??? Can someone please tell me

On DNA member in hospital after latest shooting

Posted 21 October 2016, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

So that's why we have to be bawling for fresh milk at this point. We wanted to import everything because our thinking is that outside has to be better than what we can do for ourselves. Or maybe we just think that we have arrived and so wealthy that we can afford to let others do farm work for us and we sit back and and spend every cent that we make on imports. SMFH