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bandit says...

Everyone want electric lines to be underground. The question is are we willing to pay the cost oof locating this lines underground. As you mentioned BPL does not have the resources to take on such a expensive undertaken. Even in Florida with FPL and they are also in the hurricane zone, the majority of the electric lines are still over head. What people fail to realize is that putting electric lines under ground can be just as problematic as well. During times of floods and completing major repairs to underground lines can be very expensive.

bandit says...

Well I guess it will be Christmas early for the contractors.

On Gov’t faces total $800m storm bill

Posted 20 October 2016, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

Why doesn't the Bahamas have it's own dairy to produce fresh milk. What happens if a major incident happens whereby shipments are totally unable to make to the Bahamas. We need to be more self sufficient on the things that we use

bandit says...

Isn't the embassy representing the government of China Please do educate me?????

bandit says...

What does this say about the PM that he can't forgive. WOW! And he is the leader of the Bahamas. That just goes to show that these politicians can be very vindictive.

bandit says...

Born to a Bahamian mother. As long as we continue to have those draconian laws on the books regarding children that are born here in the Bahamas, we will continue to have a country divided. An as a result we will continue to see the slippage in the standard of living in this country.

bandit says...

Where in the world a government spend 10 million dollars on a carnival ... Most carnival are finance with private sponsors. Only in the Bahamas.

On Carnival cost nearly $10m

Posted 27 September 2016, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

This is unacceptable isn't this the new wing of the hospital?

bandit says...

I say the same thing all the time. Can someone please answer that question. That stupid wig on these black people head. SMFH

On AG: We are working hard to fix legal system

Posted 18 January 2016, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

Why these black people still wearing these foolish wigs on their head after so many years of indepdence in the Bahamas is mind boggling to me. I guess they still want to praise and please their colonial masters.

On More courts needed, warns Chief Justice

Posted 14 January 2016, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal