Comment history

bcitizen says...

Small developing countries and WTO. Do some research. Not pretty.

bcitizen says...

In fact all the codifying of laws mentioned can be done without the WTO. To suggest we give up some of our sovereignty to an un elected body so we can have the power to pass laws and regulations our government can do now is nonsense. Maybe we should still be a colony then since our government apparently needs an outside body to force it to do what is in the best interest of the Bahamas according to this article? Do any search online about small developing countries and WTO and it is not a pretty picture.

bcitizen says...

Name any small developing country that has benefitted under WTO?

bcitizen says...

Chicken is 30 percent not 40. Shows how much he knows his business. Fast food is killing Bahamians. It is poison. "people have a preference" People also have a preference to drive drunk, do not wear a seat belt, do drugs, smoke and drink (both are heavily taxed) and many other things that are considered dangerous and unhealthy but, the government sometimes has to protect people from themselves especially when we have a quasi government funded health system supported by taxes. Want to have bad habits? Then they need to be taxed to pay for your healthcare. How much economic loss does the Bahamas suffer due to obesity, health care costs, loss of productivity, and shorter lifespans?

On Franchise operators slam 'fast food tax'

Posted 9 April 2018, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

Conch like bonefish is far more valuable to the Bahamas from a tourism point of view. We are one of the few places in the world that still have wild conch populations. The exportation of it is just beyond dumb. Want to taste/eat conch? Come visit the Bahamas period the end. Talking crap about no plastic while exporting a species that is endangered around the world is retarded from an environmental point of view.

bcitizen says...

North Abaco has experienced two complete outages in less than 24hr since the problem was reported to be resolved.

bcitizen says...

Is this even legal? What is the point of having a limited corporation if the individual share holders private actions can affect the company? A corporation is an entity unto itself. This is like the government denying you a business license because your brother or someone you are affiliated with owes taxes.

bcitizen says...

Join WTO and compete on a world stage with what? Phones that do not work, internet that is shoddy, unreliable, expensive power supply, and just a lack of all basic reliable infrastructure. Commercial banks that are basically loan sharks and check cashing centers, and a government that is a burden on the back of every Bahamian. What a joke!

On Gov't targets full WTO membership by 2019

Posted 7 November 2017, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

If your grossing under 100,000 you cant charge VAT. So all your VAT expenses are not recoverable. Since most rental homes are under 100,000 gross they are going to introduce the room tax again basically on those rentals. So if a hotel is grossing under 100,000 (practically impossible I know just trying to figure out the warped logic here) do they then have to collect the room tax in place of charging VAT? Does anyone else find this all slightly insidious?

bcitizen says...

Sad thing is the hotels who are pushing for this will see no change in their bookings because the airbnb people are a totally different market/tourist and this will only damage that market and will not help the hotels. And if I have to depend on bozo out to lunch, picking up my child from school, printer broken down, give me 10 dollars, don't know what a fire detector is, I will be there tomorrow (which never comes) government bull*sit then f**k it all.

On Taxing holiday home rentals levels the field

Posted 17 August 2017, 10:20 p.m. Suggest removal