Comment history

benniesun says...

Back in the day dementia, just like autism, was rare. Dementia is best caught at its onset when proper treatment can regrow brain cells. In my opinion, the estimated 6,000 by the year 2050 in much too low. The signs of early onset is just about everywhere.

On ‘2,000 suffer dementia’

Posted 20 September 2023, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...


"In my youth I detested unions, and wondered why they were allowed to exist. However, after spending years in management and observing the practices of other managers and organizations, I realized that the overwhelming majority of managers are themselves evil. The unions are a necessary evil to counter the evils of management. BPL executives are possessed by demonic forces and are relentless in their evil doings; obviously, they detest fairplay and are ungracious sore losers."

Nothing has changed to this day especially Captain Oblivious.

On BPL union ready to strike - waits for resolution

Posted 14 September 2023, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

> "...advanced real-time meteorological services capable of monitoring and managing the weather..."

Simply absolutely amazing. Just like kids happily and innocently having unfettered access to a connected cell phone, and being unaware of the true nature and capabilities of the device; we will now have another technologically advanced device of which we are unaware of its true intent and capabilities. Enjoy teotwawki.

On MOU signed by BACSWN in major deal

Posted 14 September 2023, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

Well said, but the main problem is the system itself (not negating the incompetence and greed of our officials). We live in a world based on capitalism, which is structured for infinite growth (esp. profits) which equates to a ponzi scheme. Since we live in a finite world with finite resources the ponzi scheme has a growth period then the inevitable collapse. The banksters at the top of the pyramid are seeking maximum profits by creating derivatives on anything they fancy, which is driving the increasing costs of real goods and services. Just look at the deteriorating infrastructure of our neighbour to the north - apparently they seem to not have sufficient monies to repair their ageing bridges and other failing infrastructure, but they find monies for everything else. The same applies to our government - IE the interest on our debt has put our government firmly 'in the hands of the finance man' whose only interest is maximising interest. The ponzi has peaked and we have begun the downward spiral, so brace for impact and casualties are to be expected.

On Renewables may be way forward for Andros

Posted 12 September 2023, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

This is good news, and it only verifies what I posted years ago...

"The problem with BPL is inept executives, who are being appointed and controlled by the arrogant/ignorant men off of the street (elected politicians)."

Most of BPL's executives came up through its ranks (homegrown) and have never experienced an industrial setting with proper customized training manuals and rigorously thorough job training, so they are oblivious to the true problems.

On Resolution in sight in BPL strike threat

Posted 7 September 2023, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

I agree with Dr Sands that the govmin' dem should bring in the dengue vaccines. And since our valuable, very loving and extremely concerned 'health professionals' are the ones being exposed to diseases on a daily basis, it should be stipulated in law that they are mandatorily injected and boosted every three months - or more frequent if necessary - for their protection. The stipulation would allow all other citizens voluntary access to the same vaccines. In addition, any other vaccine that comes available and is publicly mentioned by our esteemed 'health professionals' should automatically be included in the mandatory injected mix'; of course, still being voluntary for any other brave soul.

On Sands calls for vaccine as Dengue cases rise

Posted 7 September 2023, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...


I am not suggesting that we give up, but only giving a true assessment of the situation so that we are not delusional or frustrated about our impact.

On Suffer the little children

Posted 6 September 2023, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

The supernatural being ruling this world is diabolically evil. That entity rules through deception, inversion, perversion and chaos - the contrived histories, religions, government and finacial systems of the world were given to us by its demonic agents. All important positions of worth are occupied by those demonic agents. Just like the exposed tip of an iceberg, exposing a little here and there is just a ruse to give the illusion that team light side is making progress; all the while the greater evil and suffering continues out of sight beneath the surface.

On Suffer the little children

Posted 6 September 2023, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

abandonment: to stop an activity before it is finished, usually because you think you cannot succeed.

floundering: to have serious financial or economic problems (both from Cambridge Business English Dictionary)

Rear Admiral Sears has abandoned the clumsy Captain Oblivious' ship. Sears slipped away to the sister floundering ship just next door. Captain Oblivious will now properly receive his comeuppance without the wisdom of an elder to mitigate its ferocity.

Sears will now have to squeeze Captain Oblivious for whatever funds BPL owes to NIB, so just expect more hogwash and evasive bluster from BPL.

benniesun says...

"The BEWU is fed up with meaningless talk and spin."

hogwash: nonsense, or words that are intended to deceive (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 4th Ed.)

Squeeze an orange and you get orange juice; squeeze a lemon and you get lemon juice. Squeeze the BPL CEO and you get hogwash. True nature is dominant under pressure.

On BPL workers to vote on whether to strike

Posted 1 September 2023, 1 p.m. Suggest removal