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benniesun says...

You finally got it. Yes, it is management's fault. Excellent workers do not exist under bad management.

benniesun says...

complex: consisting of many different parts and often difficult to understand.
complicated: difficult to understand or deal with, because many parts or details are involved.

Management of people and an organization is a complex art. Any experienced and competent Manager will tell you that the situation at BPL is due to poor management, as staff take on attributes and dispositions of the Managers. An innately poorly skilled captain at the helm cannot possibly successfully navigate a complicated bitter disagreement into a win win outcome, due to being oblivious to the local and system wide impact of the various parts and details. Further anyone who says "Either do your job, or quit." is delusional and does not live in the same world as the rest of us.

benniesun says...

> Mr Wilson told The Tribune that armed officers have been sent to Family Islands to protect BPL substations.

This action can be interpreted as a complete breakdown of trust between BPL and its staff. BPL's management is at fault as it has not instilled the proper interdependency values within staff. With the underhanded blundering - many degreed boy wonder - Captain Oblivious at the helm, this will not end well.

benniesun says...

The rantings of the many degreed "Captain Oblivious" are equivalent to the orchestra playing while the Titanic was slipping beneath the waves. At least the sounds of the orchestra were harmonious compared to the discordant utterances Captain Oblivious is belching out.

On BPL CEO rates company 8 out of 10

Posted 1 August 2023, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

Leaders ought to be required to learn the difference between "expedient' and "right".

expedient: helpful or useful in the situation that now exists, although perhaps not the right thing to do morally or for the future.

right: A just judgment or action; that which is true or proper; justice; uprightness; integrity.

benniesun says...

“great minds think alike,but fools seldom differ.”

benniesun says...

Today's word and today's phrase are "innate" and "penny wise and pound foolish'"

innate: an innate quality or ability is something you are born with.

penny wise and pound foolish: not willing to spend small amounts of money, but likely to spend large amounts in a stupid way.

BPL'S many degreed boy wonder - aka Captain Clueless - refuses to criticize his predecessors as he knows that the same will be thrown at him at the end of his term. History has proven that they all are/were innately penny wise and pound foolish - this is easily proven from their works. We simply have to accept a dim visionless future from BPL.

benniesun says...

Some things are just so obvious, and are all inline with the long term agenda which includes population reduction. Also, the exchange of foreign debt for local debt - then future foreign buyout of local debt (institutions and Infrastructure) after devaluation. We are travelling the same road as Sri Lanka.

benniesun says...

BPL and URCA are playing Good Cop/Bad Cop with us. The heads of both entities have a long history together - going back to the old BEC Family Island Department. Ultimately, it's all about the gravy; so don't be fooled by complicated contrived distractions.

benniesun says...

"Not a single religion, aside from Christianity, was acknowledged. At the celebration of the 50th year of Independence"

So you are saying that they excluded the religion of the majority among us - 'Voodoo'...

so sad....