Comment history

benniesun says...


"...ensure that our foods and drinks are nutritious and are free of illness inducing poisons such as artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, desiccants, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), plastic packaging that leech carcinogens into foods (these line tin cans too), fluoride in drinks and toothpaste, soy, canola, imported foods having high mold content (labelled for export only), poisonous (carcinogenic) hair and beauty products, and the worst insidious most addictive offender SUGAR (gets converted directly into fat and suppresses the immune system for hours)...etc... These poisons are slow acting and over time ruin our heath producing the so called dreaded comorbidities and the poisonous sugars and oils cause unmanageable obesity, so a proactive approach is required not a band-aid."

benniesun says...

Lets hope that the lily-livered, many degreed BPL boy wonder grow's a pair, reinforces his backbone with prosthetics, and decisively resolves this unfortunate situation.

benniesun says...


Today's words are definitely Hindrance and Ineffectual.

Hindrance: something or someone that makes it difficult for you to do something.

Ineffectual: Not producing the proper effect; without effect; inefficient; weak; useless; futile; unavailing; as, an ineffectual attempt; an ineffectual expedient.

The world has certainly gone mad, as we have one slug calling another set of slugs slimy.

benniesun says...

From Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

intellect: the ability to understand and to think in an intelligent way.

acuity: the ability to hear, see, or think accurately and clearly

foresight: the ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future and plan your actions based on this knowledge

Back in the day electric machinery were jolly and robust and ran thro' hell and high water with nary a complaint. In contrast, today's replacements are finicky and cantankerous and act up if they barely sense thunder in the distance. And with each new upgrade/replacement the machines get more complex and more cranky - not to mention that they are designed to give way to the next generation (obsolescence). This trend was well underway from the 1960's. We are the suffering victims, beause our so called leaders (mangerial and political) lack proper foresight and intellectual acuity.

benniesun says...

> "...Before the storm, before Dorian, we were having significant power outages because we didn't have the generation capacity. I don't think this has to do with infrastructure, I don't think this has to do with transmission and distribution. I think it has to do with generation, and that we just don't have it here."

This is confusing because Abaco's new power station was designed to meet all of Abaco's power needs for years to come. Seems like that high paid expat managing Abaco's BPL operations is either not giving any true communications to his customers and/or implementing inadequately designed electrical transmission/distribution systems that no properly trained power engineer would have consented to.

benniesun says...

> “As BPL is pivoting, we have to conserve in terms of our consumption of our energy, utilising LED light fixtures.”

This statement is questionable because approximately five years ago I had to search a few stores to find an old fashioned 'incandescent' light bulb - there were cheaper LED bulb everywhere. Of course, replacing incandescent light bulbs is the low hanging fruit and the so called professionals at BPL should have advised the minister about other fuel reduction techniques such as not using generators to produce system reactance, minimizing current flows to reduce intrinsic heat losses etc...

There is nothing promising, innovative, or remotely encouraging about his entire comment. In fact it reminds me of the lyrics of a song ("Won't Get Fooled Again") by the rock group The Who -
"Meet the new boss same as the old boss"

benniesun says...

Off the cuff - there are three entities which are underwater - NIB, BPL, and Abaco. While the historical minutiae of who, what and when may be interesting to some, it is the big picture view that reveals the trend. NIB and BPL have pulled on their bootstraps so hard that their bootstraps have all snapped. Abaco was advancing until Dorian sat on them for three days, and left a jinx on them. The greedy mean-spirited Abaconians should try making amends to remove the jinx that is upon their land.

benniesun says...


One's acts considered as fixing one's lot in the future existence. The doctrine of fate as the inflexible result of cause and effect; the theory of inevitable consequence.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

So, where is that high paid foreigner who was running the local BPL power for years? Why is there no announcement from him about his solutions to the ongoing power poblems?

benniesun says...

The chickens have come home to roost. I expect we govmin' dem to be afflicted by a severe case of 'analysis paralysis', as they will be damned if they do and damned if they don't. How so very fitting. (lol)

benniesun says...

> "When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. African proverb, meaning that the weak get hurt in conflicts between the powerful."

The trial's timing is disastrous, as it will be added to next year's chaos. We - the grass - should take no sides in this.