Comment history

benniesun says...

OK... $41m + $60m = $101m.
All for a port sitting in the middle of nowhere handling "just minor cargo" while the major cargo customers are 41+ miles away in Marsh Harbour. I wonder which bright bulb came up with the idea of locating the new port in the boondocks, and actually building it without proper dredging? We need to hold all govenment officials accountable when they implement their unsound harebrained pet projects.

benniesun says...

> "Ninety percent of these jobs will be reserved for Bahamians, and work permits will only be granted where Bahamians cannot be found in accordance with our Immigration laws and policies."

sheesh.... Just like Bahamians could not be found to run Government owned BPL-Abaco and W&S-Eleuthera.

benniesun says...

> "Last Month, Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper revealed that a $200m Grand Bahama International Airport would be developed, transforming the facility into an international “air cargo hub” for the Caribbean and Latin America."

On the 22 Apr 2016 the Bahamas (PLP) government signed the Paris agreement (… ) which clearly says "emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050". (… ) Establishing an air cargo hub in Freeport would significantly increase emissions, so what are the measures intended to mitigate the air cargo emissions increase? Or, could it be - unbeknown to us - that the Bahamas is now exempt fom complying with reduced emissions. Countries are looking to reduce airplanes and rely more ocean shipping, so how will this $400m be repaid?

On PM to draw down $400m for GB Airport

Posted 5 May 2023, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

In the PLP government's document

> "the government of the bahamas
intended nationally determined contribution (indc) under
the united nations framework convention on climate change
Communicated to the UNFCCC on November 17, 2015"

one copy says on page 9

> "Through various national policies and initiatives, it is estimated that The
Bahamas will reduce its emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2002 levels."

and the same titled document (I guess corrected) says

> "The Bahamas has set a target of 30 percent emissions reductions, below 2010
levels by 2030. Efforts so far have been unsupported by the international

They screwed up BPL's profitability by implementing unsound, untested, and poorly monitored policies. Then the same party came back with promising the above - and it seems that everyone promptly forgot about it and BPL dropped the ball on it. Everyone who has two functioning brain cells knows that the heavily indebted BPL cannot withstand a reduction in revenues since the death throes of BPL/BEC would get worse if every 'brudder' and his dog could easily get a photovoltaic system.

irony: a situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result (Cambridge Advanced Learners dictionary 4th edition)

benniesun says...

You are right, seems like he does not know who his masters are. I guess he did not read the memo.

benniesun says...

Amazing... Two vital entities, located next to each other on Baillou Hill Rd, both are drowning. BEC was successful until the PLP messed it up with inept management and ill thought out policies. NIB was built in the public dump - yes, we stashed our retirement monies in a dump site; a site meant for discarding useless things. Seems that our retirement monies are taking on the characteristics of the buried contents of that site.

benniesun says...

> "Mr Laroda referred to the actuaries as “professionals who have no ties in The Bahamas and who (are) just looking at the facts of saying we should do two per cent per year for 20 years. So that’s actually ten increases”

The very generously paid professionals have spoken and no amount of backtracking can change that.

Blacks Law dictionary defines liquidity as:
1. The quality or state of being readily convertible to cash.
2.Securities. The characteristic of having enough units in the market that large transactions can occur without substantial price variations.

Having something available for sale is not the same as having buyers lined up for the sale, and we all know the current and projected conditions of the market.

On Laroda says NIB not facing liquidity crisis

Posted 28 April 2023, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

They are paying cronies and foreign consutants very generously to solve those problems. Good advice ain't free, and definitely wont be posted here.

benniesun says...

NIB has two concrete blocks chained to its feet and dumped into the ocean by the mobsters. The names of the two concrete blocks are bad loans and bad investments turned sour; the the names of the mobsters are the govim' dem. Dey gonna borrow more and prop it up for appearance sake only.

benniesun says...

> "whether the plane was equipped with the necessary life rafts; if it possessed two high frequency (HF) radios and dual long-range navigation systems as demanded by the ‘Class Two’ air space it crossed; and if the pilots and dispatcher were fully trained to operate in that air space."

The above plus a plane filled with the most arrogant of our fellow country people was a perfect opportunity for divine intervention to save our country - that was their warning. It is very scary to think that the prefect opportunity was not taken (by providence), which means that providence is stalking them with some punishment more divinely diabolical.