Comment history

benniesun says...

Possession is the Essence of Marriage…

Maybe the govmin' dem should pass a bill annulling and outlawing all marriages; then there would not be anymore pesky marital rape issues.

Women Alienated from Men

Why All Porn is Gay

benniesun says...

> “All of the usual suspects are at the table and then some. None of them ever left the table."

They are all jostling each other to get into position to feast on BPL's remains. I predict that when the transient tourism boost we are experiencing tapers off fangs and claws will be bared at the table. The fierceness of the battle over BPL's carcass will be difficult for TPTB to hide.

benniesun says...

Years ago when our government accepted donated computers for the treasury I cringed in fear and shame. Yet, to this day, they are still accepting electronics from advanced nations. One definition of not learning fom experience is "stupid" - ie unintelligent (not knowing; not having acute mental faculties; not showing intelligence; dull). Are we comfortable with the unintelligent making laws for us?

benniesun says...


-to react to something with too much emotion, or by doing something that is unnecessary ( Longman Dictionary)

-to react in an extreme, especially an angry or frightened way (Cambridge Dictionary)

-to be more worried, annoyed, or offended by something than you should be (Macmillan English Dictionary)

benniesun says...

Definition from WordNet_3.0


lacking aesthetic or social taste

• Similar to:
↑barbaric, ↑brassy, ↑cheap, ↑flash, ↑flashy, ↑garish, ↑gaudy, ↑gimcrack, ↑loud, ↑meretricious, ↑tacky, ↑tatty, ↑tawdry, ↑trashy, ↑Brummagem, ↑camp, ↑campy, ↑indelicate, ↑off-color, ↑off-colour, ↑ostentatious, ↑pretentious
• See Also: ↑inelegant, ↑pretentious
• Derivationally related forms: ↑tastelessness

benniesun says...

Being proud of my racial and spiritual heritage is not racism. You make is seem like others can be proud of theirs, but not us.

benniesun says...

John your comments are correct, and it is repulsive to read the ignorant comments by other unthinking persons.


The ruling elite and ruling races are puppets of an evil spiritual being. Our leaders got caught up in the evil doing and got their kundalini raised (sacral gland massage) - that is the initiation which opens one for possession by evil entities. The NWO is just a sham to distract as the world order system was in place since our ancestors were defeated. Stop thinking so small because this entire realm was seized from our ancestors by the parasites - that is why reparations is not possible. We have been fooled into believing that Gods do not exist and many into worshiping the conquering enemy God who hates us, sanctions our enslavement and keeps us under subjection by ensuring that our countries fail. Any idiot can easily see and understand that we are all slaves to the financial system which is enforced by government agencies - with the favored ones on top of the food chain.

benniesun says...

Cannot the sitting government amend laws and make them retroactive? Trifling with something that benefited the small and disadvantaged, instead of attacking the unnecessary largess afforded to the rich elites, shows where his heart is.


Unthankful; ungrateful.
n. An ungrateful person; one who rewards favors with enmity or treachery.

benniesun says...

Shell appears to be running from the constraints of UN Agenda 2030. While captain Cambridge - the many degreed wonder- fumbles around with frenzied tweaking of BPL's efficiencies; all the while blissfully unaware that his ship is sailing in the wrong direction. His picture confirms all and any suspicions.

benniesun says...

Approval on a case-by-case basis is justified, as the 'Well to Do' love to champion causes on behalf of the Ne'er do Wells - while benefiting from the assistance granted.