Comment history

bigbadbob says...

they have 800 full time employes made good money last year and have 400 million in new booked bussiness they have top notch solar company lets give them a chance

bigbadbob says...

some hoax i saw up to 10 water spouts headed to freeport right off shore and saw three hit land as tornadoes

bigbadbob says...

they say difficult to convert to renewable sources, yet Germiny, spain, neatherlands and many more countries all have 20 - 40 percent or more renewables , guess we just talk about it here , time to stop saying no to renewables and do someting.

bigbadbob says...

yes but thats why you meassure your tanks , you can see a 100 gal drop over a week then you know you have a leak but 10,000 gal thats a whole big truck worth .

bigbadbob says...

The gas station should know if its loosing gas its easy you know what you sell by the reading on the pumps, you know what your tank reading is every day the two must match, as a kid i did this every day or two, so how do you not know you have lost 12,000 or 20,000 gallons , first its money lost to the station and second it kills people . obvisily no one was taking tank readings

bigbadbob says...

I agree with duppyvat nassau people are a bunch of whinning sissies , get off your ass and go complain , organize a march to goverment house , yell and scream at people in charge , in todays world there is no reason except very bad management not to have reliable power its not that hard . In freeport through constant pressure we have lower prices and reliable power . Get reporters to actualy do their job , and report this, dig in and find details and report it . get a bunch of bussiness together and threaten to sue the goverment and BTC for loss of income. cbut do some thing just dont sit there. some one said it was properly named BLACK out, he said whites would not stand for it .

On How are the BEC power cuts affecting you?

Posted 28 April 2015, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

taser taser woops I meant .357 darn big gun Bang your dead, sorry . now off to sun sea and sand to relax .

bigbadbob says...

we dont need any more murders in bahamas we have enough already.

bigbadbob says...

i own a local hotel and i did not have a single person stay here go to the event i dont belive half of the island was there . good turn out yes but not 20,000 people .

bigbadbob says...

you have to BUY the specified carnival costumes from the one company and there not cheap, only one making money is the manufacturing company. no more making your own costumes.


Posted 21 April 2015, 7:51 a.m. Suggest removal