Comment history

bigbadbob says...

of cource they are stopping work to rule they dont get the HUGE overtime during work to rule.

On Work-to-rule ended by BEC union

Posted 30 November 2014, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

so 70,000 droped calls a day is like buying a new car and 500 parts fall off as you drive away ,
i never never get even one dropped call in the usa but get every one i make here is dropped the service is horrid.

On BTC drops 40,000 calls a day but to spend $65m

Posted 13 November 2014, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

A 1970's jet with 10 diffrent owners and lots of rotations is always suspect, but the weather was nasty i was in the area driving at the time of the crash and you could bearly see the road , we had big wind gusts and possiably a few down gusts or micro bursts. the plane was off the aligment of the runway by quite a bit and it was way to low . A wind gust could have driven him down but not 2000 ft. The tallest crane on the ship yard 4 miles from the runway is in the 300 to 400 ft range and they are all lit well with red lights.

On ‘Black box crucial in crash probe’

Posted 12 November 2014, 7:51 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

new LITION batteries last 12 to 20 years no maintiance led lighting solar street lighting is a perfect example of quick pay back

On 'Exclude' renewable energies from VAT

Posted 3 November 2014, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

especially if your car jacking

bigbadbob says...

what a pile of BS my system provides the same 24 kw to the grid when a cloud comes over because i have back up batteries which kick in when my solar output drops a bit, up to 30 percent of the grid can be renwables before you get destabilization. 5 kw is nothing many systems are 10 to 25 kw.

bigbadbob says...

worst part is the type of plasma to waste conversion they signed way to much for does not work, all of the test plants have shut down due to toxins being relased furans and dioxin both nasty , I think we just bough a pile of goods.

bigbadbob says...

plasma to gas waste conversion does not work all the test plants have been shut down , it produces dioxn and furans bith very deadly to humans , do some home work. .

On Wells says he will not resign post

Posted 31 July 2014, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

i put in solar panels two years ago totaly off the grid now my power stayes on, next year it will have payed for its self. then i live free.

On HAVE YOUR SAY: BEC power cuts

Posted 29 July 2014, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

same problem in east grand bahamas a few years ago it was so bad power was on and off i bought solar panels for my house went off grid and i have had no power outage for 2 years now , east end was realy bad, now we always have power. it will payfor its self this year.