Comment history

bigbadbob says...

why are we even bothering with cancer causing tobacco products time to drop the product.

bigbadbob says...

plasma waste-to-energy is a untried and still in R&D and will not work in large applications you could generate 200 mw with solar with that amount of money , solar is costing 2.5 a watt right now for a large plant.

bigbadbob says...

the bec union or employees need to expose the other big hitters , lets see who do not pay their bill because their connected.

bigbadbob says...

I am also Atheist and will ignor a short religious speech bit when they get into the roll and rant and rave and praise this and that is when I leave. I stopped working with Red cross becasue of the 20 min never ending religious opening and closing religious bible thumping, the end was when one person in a prayer said Japan had the earthquake because they were not christians. Time for Bahamaians to realize there are diffrent religions and to respect that fact.

bigbadbob says...

the ocean in freeport has risen 1.5 inches in the last 8 years , i measure it in the canal all the time. as the ocean rises low lying areas will become more prone to sea surge and heavy flooding .

bigbadbob says...

As a engineer with 47 years experience in all facets of environmental areas, this is a disaster of huge future consequences, the silt and coral dust suspended in the water will kill a large amount of the existing reef. The damage to old and established reefs is not repairable: stop this madness now before its to late

bigbadbob says...

run some local boats out there and get in there way , this is just stupid any idea how big

220,000 cubic yards is 20,000 cement trucks full all that silt and damaged coral .

bigbadbob says...

or sell drugs that works

bigbadbob says...

is one of the bodies Anna Nicole Smith

On Gibson threat in contract row

Posted 8 May 2014, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

and we will spend 10 times that treating people for cancer smoking kills when do we ever accept that fact.