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bigdee says...

what a bunch of trash no news for tribune a get it togeather there is so much stuff going in the bahmas and tribune want orint something that is stupid

bigdee says...

the former prime minster hand the plp the the first election to his friend and buddy its like he wanted the fnm to lose the number one reasons was the roads he cost thousands thousands of business to closed down because of the roads plus crime no serious laws was passed there was no hanging no majior jobs created more persons are out of job no big majior investor came in bahamas becides baha but most of jobs go chenese he did some good but we all know as human beings bad always be ahead good out of 100 i gave the former primeminster 31 oercent i hope dr.minnis is reading this let the fromer prime minster go and he as leader needs to bring healing to the fnm and gear up for the next elections open all the fnm head quarters do that little thing now and you see results

On FNM leader 'taken aback' by Ingraham

Posted 17 October 2012, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

no one deserve to die

On Motorcyclists die in late-night collision

Posted 17 October 2012, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

he does not need to step down there was no crime committed we do have some white bahmains and also forginers that belive they can come into this country and do as they please

On The Tribune does not blink under threat

Posted 17 October 2012, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

you mean tell me the former prime minster saying money was going around in abaco

On Former PM raises questions over cash

Posted 17 October 2012, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

vowwww i agree with the primeminster i pray and hopes the casino slots does nt be allow because persons will saved a lot of money i know of persons go into web shops and lose over 5500.00 easy from spining the slots game no one in their right mind will spend over 500.00 on nnumbers on buying voww the cash 3 or cash 4 ban the spining but do national lottery vowww ban the spining please minster ban the spining

On Bid to avoid clash with casino chiefs

Posted 20 September 2012, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

i agree with lakerran242 bahamain woman all they want to do is go in wibeshops and spin out aall bahamain men money i think bahamain woman are afraid of jamican woman afraid of cuban woman even hatain woman they have a problem with bahamain woman dont cook dont cclean they just spin spin their life away gambleing whats the differance between gambleing and stripping all of its are against the law i disgree those woman should have on more clothes and should nt have breaken the law but just as much gambleing shops here we have strips clubs its amazeing how come the ploice only raid that one bahamain woman get up stop being lazy and do for your men then tthe men of this country would not go into strip clubs

On Strippers fined and told to leave country

Posted 15 September 2012, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

its amazing how the this new paper acts when there is a misup about any member of plp when it comes to FNM this paper is silent we are second class citzens in our own country you ever wonder why condos homes out west and pi cost so much because the y dont want the average bahamain person liveing there i have blame the plp and fnm for this things needs to change we have to make things right in the bahamas for every bahamain black white red what eever color we are we needs to stands as one red shirts gone thank you jesues no they know what it is pay for a gallon of gas in their car and guess what lots of them are hurting but rember what goes around comes around

bigdee says...

i agree reverendrichlive when our pastors and leaders go away the first thing they do is hit the strip clubs and casinos the owner should have been lock up not the so called strippers our contry is so mess up when a big time pastor who have sissy sex with young men comes into our country and have a big time church service and every one there saying holy holy our country is so messed up just like gambleing stripping should be legialize i dont go to strip clubs because i dont know where they are but am sure just like gambleing houses they are a lot of them wake up bahamas we need to wake up vowww god please help our beatiful bahamaland

On Suspects in court after raid on 'strip club'

Posted 12 September 2012, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

well if they legalize numbers they meights as well legalize strippers cau bottom line both of them things are wrong i feel i country headeing in the wrong direction

On Suspects in court after raid on 'strip club'

Posted 11 September 2012, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal