Comment history

bigdee says...

go debbie i still think you can get the goal

bigdee says...

what i trying to wonder is why Private schools do not have to get fix up every school year but yet goverment has to fix up schools every year every year why the private schools do not even gget paint so the bahamas goverment needs to try fiqure out why is this because we are spending to much money and getting no results

On Bannister claims schools 'unsafe'

Posted 10 September 2012, 7:23 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

am asking this question to editor of tribune can a police officer lock up a illegal immigrant just ccaurioes

On Police raid 'strip club'

Posted 10 September 2012, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

the thing is the bahamas goverment going end up paying more for the 2percent than it got for it

On Bahamas considered investment risk

Posted 10 September 2012, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

c&w need to to go they really believe its slavery days they using the bahamas as a cash cow but hey does n ot all the foreign investors most of them come into the country borrow millions and millions of dollars until it reach the billion dollar mark and bahamains can not even borrow a lousy 5000.00 so yes we are back in slavery days but who does that to us our own its just amazing unthinkable

On Why is it important to have 51 per cent?

Posted 10 September 2012, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

its amazing no way should urca should allow the increase for example if someone have basic cable and internt their bill now is $75.00 add $8.00 on that is $83.00 per month so what about persons who pay for other channels come on be real URCA can persons afford it i pray that the PLP goverment do not allow how much more can the bahamain people take

On Cable Bahamas seeks 30% price hike

Posted 5 September 2012, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

bottom line the i love reading the tribune but its very bias when its print its news from the ubp titime untill now i sat to the plp goverment buy btc btc is doing worse now done it had ever done before higher rates but worse service still waiting on land line i say lets send cable and wieless back to england those big shots at the top only getting richer and rapeing this country the money from btc is nt staying here i say again buy back btc and the goverment need a commision of inquiry into the sale of btc

On Bahamas Airways – another PLP milestone

Posted 3 September 2012, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

bad spelling my bad i was sayying shut the number house down untill refendum is called these number bosses is makeing millons and millons at the plight of the poor people it is bad most of the females is spinning the thing you really dont win much i say shut them down i need the pastors the bishops to come out their four walls and explain to the people the effects that gambleing have on the poor people its only the poor that gamble

On Call for gambling stance

Posted 26 August 2012, 7:05 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

when btc was sold cable and wireless shares went up why sell something that is makeing millons i say to the prime minster buy the shares back not evrthing is foreign is good my god let the bahamas goverement own something and i know the fromer minster will be mad but hey he out to be god be the glory

bigdee says...

why does this new paper hate the plp so bad

On Bahamas Airways – another PLP milestone

Posted 25 August 2012, 7:45 p.m. Suggest removal