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bismark says...

you engage the police with firearms you will be shot.

On UPDATED: Two die in police shootout

Posted 3 December 2017, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

These number houses are nothing but a drain on poor people,The Bahamas Government should have never legalized this,first it was the drug trade what destroyed our young Men,now it is numbers and gambling,everyone wants to ''WIN'.If the Government want these greedy parasites to stay in business,then tax them the way they should be taxed,after all they claims its a multi million dollar industry.Those criminals need to be audited daily,every last one of them.its a pity in this country,when all you have to do is be rich and all of a sudden you are a upright citizen,Welcome to the Bahamas. we were dubbed a Nation for Sale,now its a Nation already bought.

bismark says...

Well if Mr Smith did nothing wrong then he has nothing to fear.

bismark says...

The problem in this country is what it is and always will be,Politicians are looking out for their own selfish agendas by not hanging,they don't hang the nogood murdering scum because its Mrs Lucy good son,so we all punish because of their selfish agendas,you see any of those pompous suckers living in the inner city?or their kids attending public school?no they don't they wont be caught dead among the regular people,the first oppressors were white,now they are back in the form of black men our own who treat us worst than their predecessors bunch of lowlife leeching suckers.

bismark says...

this is the reason I wont vote anymore,these idiots are hellbent on not unifying,standby for the country to stay in PLP rule.

On Minnis 'planning council shake-up'

Posted 7 January 2016, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

get rid of those lousy judges who are only pandering to these lawyers,all of those judges are LOUSY think they are Gods in this country when none of them worth shit,they who have the power vested in them by the law do not exercise that power because we wouldn't have so many of the same scum out on bail over and over again,thanks to those wigsy head idiots.

bismark says...

jail the entire government,along with their lousy crooked permanent secretaries,Chairman of all govt corporations.

bismark says...

we all know that law enforcement in the Bahamas loves to stereotype,yachts,sportsfishers any big time vessel,these are never searched upon entering or leaving this country,this is how the guns,drugs and human trafficking flourish,there are many marinas our R.B.D.F cannot venture into,its our own lawmakers who let the privileged few do as they want,yet crush the others with jail time when caught,welcome to the Bahamas a nation already bought and paid for.

bismark says...

Haitians have been a Burden on this country for years,Mr Munroe maybe wrong on the fogging issue,but he like many other Bahamians are fed up with illegals from Haiti,yes they are Human and they are looking for a better way of life,but this is the Bahamas,we have laws here that are to be adhered to,these people keep coming back and back,we the taxpayers fund their way back to their homeland,it is too costly to be doing that for all these years,that money could have been spent elsewhere,they keep coming here because there is no punishment for entering the country illegal,something has to be done,but flogging isn't one.

On PLP chairman plays down flogging row

Posted 15 December 2015, 5:46 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

PM,sir you don't have to be stunned,first off these kids are only doing these things because the culture of violence in our society is totally accepted as normal,when you have known hoodlums charged with serious offences namely murder and armed robbery,these SCUM are released among us to wreak havoc again,these individuals are the ones are misguided youth follow,3 out of 5 of our young men aren't doing anything in school but going there to eat lunch and bullskate all day,these young men need discipline,thats all that is lacking,we have allowed this gang culture to flourish where it seems that every young man wants to be in a gang .punishment must be enforced in this country and it must be severe,people charged with serious crimes must be made to pay for their wrong doings,make jail a place of serious punishment,not a hotel;make inmates feed themselves,farm the land you eat what you grow;prison should be hard labour,work them from morning to night,no wonder they go back and forth they aren't doing anything in the prison,work them like animals seeing that's the way they want to behave,Hanging needs to be resumed in this country,the hell with the privy council,Hanging needs to be carried out for these crimes of murder,it may not stop murder,but that individual will murder no more.